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Everything posted by RHill

  1. whhhahttt? maybe you should just let Dan have your number and plates...saves him some effort since you won't be using them
  2. Maybe if I can get my car fixed before then...pretty sure a cv joint on the driverside axle is bad
  3. The holes killed my lap times! Not really, but they did make me really uncomfortable in T4 and made me go extra wide when I got passed on the inside of the carousel. My problem more than the holes and the debris was my "new" leathers. They are too tight on my chest and legs, made riding more tiring than my old leathers. Switched to the more loose fitting leathers and dropped a 1.5 sec for the second race and didn't feel winded after 5 laps....wish I would have switched during the track day, could have went much faster.
  4. There were probably a half dozen holes on the back straight, 4 in turn 4, and 3 entering the carousel before it tightens up. Pretty much all right on the racing line or damn close to it.
  5. The exact same holes opened up this round, plus more on the back straight....all right one the racing line. Even with most people avoiding the holes, the back straight ended up looking like someone walked down the track sprinkling a bag of course gravel.
  6. Walking the track really put the condition into perspective...other than t1 and t13, nearly every patch is breaking apart and loose. Where there were exiting holes (t4-t11) you could literally pull up 4x4x2" and larger chunks of the track with no effort. I'm sure they will patch it up....but when next year rolls around is the first event going to be a rock flinging shitfest again? There was plenty of opportunity walk the track, see the condition, and have it corrected before it became an issue, but no one did. There was no lesson learned from last year when the same thing happened with the patches on the exit of the carousel. Overall, I had a pretty good time while running some horrible laps. Did you make it home before the second burst of rain got to you? Glad you had a decent time considering all the issues.
  7. It is different, most of the time Ron keeps underage boys in the bed of his truck. Congrats on the completion of race school and making it through the moist mock starts! I'll comment...sad, really sad. The track condition this weekend is why people consider the place a shithole.
  8. nelson ledges bitches......nelson fucking ledges
  9. hell yeah, we will be popping my putnam cherry! Tires stay in the spare bedroom...after round one, unless we are going to get a bunch of freezing nights, they will remain on the bike. Only takes a few minutes to switch them out so it isn't a big deal. I should be there tomorrow evening if I can get my shit together...not riding till saturday tho.
  10. you keeps notes on changes or do you have some type of template to follow each day? I have notes from late year but they are pretty much base settings from nelson and tighten shit up ~quarter turn everywhere else.that isn't bumpy as fuck My rear shock; as sad as it is, was placed in the middle of the range and pretty much forgot about. I was always comfortable on exits....so I never had a reason to adjust it.. I'm hoping to tinker a bit and become more knowledgeable this season. Consider going in requiring 1 documented suspension setting change per session "at pace" just to diversify and learn more.
  11. dont know if this will work, trying to put the files on google docs/drive race day sheet tracks dunlop race tire data suspension 101 - most of this is info from race tech
  12. I knew without a shadow of a doubt someone would take advantage of that quote. As usual, I'm waiting till the last possible second to actually assemble my bike. Still need to weld the fairing stay together, fill rad, install exhaust again, make a brake reservoir support bracket, balance wheels, re-bleed brakes, throw sliders on, maybe pull wheels off street bike to mount extra extra set of tires so they are ready for putnam....hmmm probably more.
  13. I printed and laminated a couple sheets to take to the track this year. First was that layouts of all the tracks I plan on visiting this year shrunk down to fit front and back of a single page. Next was a Dunlop tire datasheet. Also printed out a few of the Catalyst Reaction race day record sheets and prepped them for upcoming dates. I've also condensed down a couple suspension guides into a single document and removed much of the fluff...it is still 8 pages, so not really usable while at a track IMO. Now that I think of it, something like a fault tree analysis would be ideal....not that I'd end up using it. Last year I did something similar, but I only used the data sheets the first couple days at Nelson. Anyone else do something similar?
  14. Nice! Grease the bearings on that trailer ....I'd even go as far as to pop the cap off and pump some through.
  15. actually pretty happy with it overall for a big ass patch...considering grinding it out and re-welding, but I have a bunch of other crap to fix before the weekend.
  16. got my exhaust patched up...doesn't look the greatest, but it gets the job done.
  17. Sounds like a bunch of stuff that "technically" doesn't have to be done to get your ass to the track. De-winterize? just use the damn outhouse Flush the tanks? see above Full mechanical? Start the thing up and drive to the track, run test complete Top off propane? Marty will keep you warm TRS? You forget how to use tie downs over the winter? New generator break in? Run the bitch on the way to the track Fill the water tanks? See de-winterize. Stock with essentials? Oreo's and Bistro...essentials covered Weight dist hitch? I'm sure your fine without the water tanks full
  18. RHill


    Pretty much what I was typing out. In this situation,1.5 laps in during an early season novice trackday, it should still be follow the leader with no passing
  19. won't pass judgement because I don't know the story, but DAMN
  20. Looking forward to hitting mid-o, but think it will be later in the year at this point. Still ahve a few things to do on the bike for the first round with motoseries.
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