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Everything posted by RHill

  1. I've only done 1 intermediate, 1 twilight and 1 advance day last year....then Tuesday in advanced. I'm a little slow for the advanced group, but I'm still picking up time and I do it much faster without a leader/traffic. The one instructor tried to give me a tow in the second session Tuesday, but I get so cautious around other riders I can't push my pace. Like Code says you only have 100% concentration or whatever....when another rider comes around it takes the % away that I need to push my comfort limit. Once I've established my own lap, I can run in close with other riders at pace comfortably. I've watched my rear camera and I don't see the issue being out there turning 47-46's(in the morning)...all the passes that were put on me were quick and clean. Only time I saw someone held up for more than a turn was in the esses, but I like to think I run a decent pace through there. With that being said, I think I would have dropped a consistent 2 seconds or more if the weather held. Still pissed the dog caused a red flag for our last good weather session.
  2. Twilight are a mix of intermediate and advance riders; of course the fast guys are going to bitch about the slow guys holding them up. If the fast guys think they are going to come to a twilight and get clean laps, that is their own mistake. If Mid-O wants to set rules on required times, they need to state them before someone can pay for the event. As for: You cannot be serious. First off, the math doesn't make sense....where do the "slow" guys come from if the guys just bumping up are already running the average pace? That would mean half of advance riders should be bumped down to intermediate. Go out there in intermediate and tell me how many 40-42's you can click off in a day. Then tell me if you felt safer during that day in intermediate, or during a normal advance day where there were a few "slow" guys running high 40's in advance.
  3. I've held WOT through, but it is really pushing it and you better hold a good line and be prepared to get on the brakes as you stand it up. Most of the time I back off for a second right before turn in and then back to WOT through the turn....rolling off for a second allows you to run a tighter exit and outbrake people into the carousel
  4. My opinion on twilights: 1:47 may be approaching the slower times for a twilight, but there are people who are running WAY slower than that...and I'm not talking about smaller displacement bikes. If you are comfortable with the track, can reguarly get in the 40's and are fine with being passed at pace on inside and out it won't be a problem. Last twilight I attended was on a shitty front tire that was stealing all my confidence...I was probably running low 50's and still passing a few people.
  5. Wish I could make it for the twilight, but I'll be out of state that weekend. Can't make Monday because I'm short on vacation time.
  6. nah, have a little white saturn car....need to get a motoseries sticker for it though
  7. dannnnngggggg! I don't know, they might run away on the straights.
  8. Been anticipating this and it is finally approaching; MotoSeries at Beaver! Planning on doing the trackday and 600 sprints....maybe the 750 GT as well. Think they would let us walk the South loop?
  9. ^ So true. The track and the street are two different worlds, but the mantra "Ride you own ride/pace" equally applies to both. I completely forgot; watch for the flying cone at 2:20 and the red flag creating dog at 13:04....damn dog, had a half second shaved off through the keyhole and a good drive onto the back straight just to see the red flag wave.
  10. you should expect....a great time...to become addicted.... goes like this: arrive at the track sign wavier at the gate find parking space prep bike if necessary register/sign in and get sticker for the bike and probably a shirt tech bike (a track guy/girl looks over bike and approves it to go on the track) relax and bs with people if you have arrived early enough drink water! walk down to the riders meeting...pay attention go to the novice school...pay attention....nerves start to kick in because there is a lot of new info thrown at you...flags, corner worker stations, pit in/out go out for the first session....feel like a fish out of water...take it easy! come back in (it will either be straight back to school or a 20 minute break then school) DRINK MORE WATER get back on the track....start to realize you don't have to worry about cars and road related hazards....get more comfortable back to school, bring a bottle of water nerves die down as you go back out on the track...start to pick up pace a little...start to enjoy yourself. lunch then back to school..."when are we going back out on track?!?! this class needs to hurry up!!!" and repeat for the rest of the day...
  11. 3rd session...working on a better line thought the keyhole and carousel; trying to get a better drive onto the front and back straights. Can't wait to go back. Wish I could make the 22nd twilight, but I'll be at a family reunion 4 hours away. Setting the goal of consistant low 40's this summer.
  12. I'm one of the slower guys in A. This was the first time my lap timer worked at mid-o; best time from today was a 46 flat. Wish the weather held out; need more time to figure out the track.
  13. Traction was pretty damn good in the morning...even with a slight drizzle during the 3rd session. It picked up during lunch and traction was gone for the 4th session....I made it the Honda bridge before losing the ass end and lowsiding. Oh well, it was fun slipping around up to that point, just pitched it over too quick with a little too much maintenance throttle.
  14. With Nelson it was a lack of care for long-term sustainablility that created the crisis. Take the investment that that was put into the surface over the past week....if that occurred every year for just the past 3 or 4 years, we wouldn't even be discussing this. Now it has become a serious issue because there is so much that needs repaired at one time. If the exit of the carousel was repaired correctly last year when it broke apart, it wouldn't be a pot hole this year. If it wasn't a pot hole this year, bikes wouldn't be damaged. If bikes wern't damaged, the owners would be more likely to return to the track. If more riders come to the track, more investment can be made into the track. Yeah, there are fluctuations in cash flow, especially when it comes to shitty weather weekends.....but control what you can, provide the best experience and average attendance will increase.
  15. This round was a huge improvement over the first. By no means is the track in great shape, but the critical areas were repaired well. Even in the wet the patches were solid and traction seemed comparable to the surrounding track. I wish Todd and the car guys could put together a budget for EVERY black patch from t4-11 to be cut out and patched, because IMO that is what will have to happen into next year. It would be cheaper to have the equipment come out once and knock it out than it will for the every round repair. I'll prepay for the rest of the season right now if it would help get that done.
  16. Dan, if there is still ANY tread on the tire, change it during lunch IMHO. First time there and it takes a session or two to really warm up anyway.
  17. Anyone want to split a garage tuesday? Would have space for 2 more bikes.
  18. I've shown up 2 sessions late before with no issue. Signed up for Tuesday...wish I had more vacation, I'd do both.
  19. it could be worse; they could be claiming better lap times, but the grass was too tall though and they had to keep it in low gear.
  20. Yeah, yeah....we know you were busy putting a fresh coat of "wax" on your new paint job.
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