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Everything posted by RHill

  1. I'll be taking gear to camp....if it is real cold I'll probably get a hotel lol
  2. If we can get more bikes, mine can go in the bed if someone prefers to have it inside....don't really care.
  3. Pretty sure I'm going the used route. Wish I could afford a new one, but that takes away from track/race money.
  4. True.....I've been a bit paranoid about residual water freezing every since I split a big hole in a dirtbike expansion chamber when popping out a dent. Softball sized dent, 2 freeze/thaws and it split open about 4". Was thinking I'd just take my normal drain container and put the cap on it till it was time to head home.
  5. Like the title says... Believe the model numbers are 316-410, 316-411, 317-411, 327-411, 328-411, 332-411
  6. Just do what my boss always does....claim you got a cold while on vacation or that you got held up by weather or traffic and got back extremely late. On a completely unrelated note....leave antifreeze in for the commute and change out there? then back again for the ride back? We have a spot in the trailer with your name on it
  7. Do it! F4iguy and myself need passenger space since we can't fit in Dan's truck.....but we are planning on doing 3 days so schedules conflict If anyone is looking for a ride or to have their bike hauled for all 3 days shoot me a PM or post up.
  8. I have trackmaster on my phone....wasn't all that impressed without buying an external gps. Figured a used lap timer would hold its value than a new external gps(couldn't find a used one) so I picked up a lap timer. I do like the cool shit you can do with adding it to video and stuff though. On another note....even though it is 50* outside, unheated garages are still cold enough to see your breath. Did get my electrical problem figured out (knock on wood). Tonight is now the fun part of installing all the goodies.
  9. Take it easy for the first couple sessions. The colder overnight temps and dew can make the track extremely slick. I did my first track day in Sept. 2012....proceeded to do 3 more before the close of the season. Bought a dedicated track bike that winter. If you count race days, I think I did 17 days on the track last year...3 at Mid-O, 3 at Grattan, 4 at PIRC and 7 at Nelson.
  10. I've done the same using the hitch on my car an a couple pieces of 2x3"...but being a lighter vehicle it tends to lift the suspension which makes it a pain. Also wanted something I could take to the track so I could mount up tires in the evening when doing multiple days....and these little pry bars are a lot more mobile than a couple 2x4"s.
  11. Thanks for the info. I've been thinking about making a hitch mount bead breaker, but this would be a more compact options...already have enough crap in the garage.
  12. For the limitations of the bike, he is damn quick. Any track Any organization Any bike Every rider can learn a lot by hitting a novice track day Even Mid-O in the rain....you can learn how to crash and how to put a bike back together.
  13. "Safer environment to learn the capabilities of the bike...knowledge that may one day be used to avoid a car that pulls out in front of you on the street." "Get riding "fast" out of your system on the track, ride safer on the street." "All the cool kids are doing it." "It's fun" "The guys I ride with are making fun of my chicken strips" "I can't get a ticket at the track" "It is either spend 2 hours commuting to decent roads, just to ride at a moderate pace for fear of the unknown around the next bend. Or load up, trailer to the track in comfort, and ride all-out for the entire day"
  14. Anyone used one of these before? I did something similar with a couple screw drivers before, but it didn't work out so well. Don't think I'd ever buy one at $50+, but looks like it could be made pretty easy with a couple pieces of bar stock.
  15. Track days are not addicting....I can stop any time I want.
  16. Tear apart the engine and see what it will take to fix....if it is too much, then replace it or part out the bike. The scarcity of parts may play into your favor parting it out....or there may also be less demand. There were a few NICE 06/07 gsxr 600 that sold over the winter for less than $3500....think one was $2500, I was really tempted to "upgrade" but I've settled into the fact that the best upgrade will be more tracktime. For that price you seem to have a choice between a real nice bike with a couple goodies or a bike that has a lot done, but has been down a couple times. Seems like GSXR's are the most common in that price range...R6's in the $3500 range seem to be 05's and older. Buy Ron's bike....add a couple parts and you could have an A and B bike.
  17. I hope my post didn't come off like I don't appreciate the advice, I do. Actually has me thinking about how much my experience with them sucked...broken bike, banged up shoulder and 2 wasted track days trying to ride around the lack of confidence inspired by the 209's. I hate to waste something that is paid for, but I guess there is no point in tossing good money after bad. Anyone want a burn out tire? haha Saw the pics and videos of the Junkies trip to Jennings....looks like everyone had a blast!
  18. Are you saying to toss the 209 because of age or because of the stigma associated with them? I'd never ever ever run a front 209 after my experience last season. The rear didn't have as much grip as the 211's, but it was predictable.....the front just pushed randomly and way too frequently. I find it amazing that dunlop still offers the 209 fronts....riding that was just sketchy compared to all the other tires I've used; even q2's. I wouldn't consider it skimping, it is just making use of the tires that I have for the pace that I'm going to run. Off the bat, I'm going to be slow as molassas....rust, learning a new and busy track. If the wear rate everyone says is true, the first day learning will be 1/2 of a fresh rear tire. I'd be happy to toss the 209 or slick after that, not a big deal. I'm sure of the tires for the first day, but after that not so much.
  19. Unfortunately only 6 of those tires I'd be comfortable on for a race. The slicks(1 front, 2 rear) are questionable cause they are old. There is a new 209 GPA rear which is old and I don't have much confidence in because of my crash at PIRC on 209's. Don't want to take my 211's to Jennings because it destroys tires and I'd like to have them for the race season. Then there is my original set of q2's and a couple others from last season that would be great for the street, but I don't really put on enough street miles anymore.
  20. Was digging through my spare bedroom trying to figure out what tires to run at Jennings.....decisions decisions. Is it wrong the I was just on racetireservice thinking of buying a set or two of closeout 211's?
  21. Looks like prepping the bike is getting put off for another week, can't convince myself to go out to the unheated garage when the forecast is saying 50's late next week.
  22. Is there candy in the trailer too? Also, that sounds like an excuse to get more bikes....
  23. Chris, sorry to hear about the GF; hope she heals up quick. It has to be difficult not being able to recollect what happened, the cause, or ways to avoid it in the future; hopefully she can recover quick and be comfortable enough to get back on the track again. Thanks for the report; I'm hoping to run times around that range as long as the cobwebs don't hold me back too much. I'm jealous of the sprinter as well. What days were you wanting to go? Like Jester said above, we have a couple potential spots for the ride down.
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