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Everything posted by RHill

  1. RHill


    Thats fine...I'll be trying to catch a tow from you and stuff it right back in that glory hole. p.s. I'm going to bring some vinyl...."Glory hole racing!" Ron got a new bike....he picked up a new username too: newsquidstoppable
  2. RHill


    Last two are better than the first....but like Mr. Smooth said, any of them would be passable....the concern is shit falling off. Last one is the best though.
  3. Had 5 or 6 Bell shilds in my posession at one point, they all looked very good....not perfect, but no serious fog or distortions. Chris, what were you cleaning them with? I try to avoid cleaning the inside since it has that coating and feels slightly tacky when you do clean it.
  4. RHill


    And each time kept one of the rotor bolts in my pocket
  5. RHill


    It is OK Jeff, we half assed it and actually took bolts out when you wern't looking. Ron needed them to put his bike together to sell.
  6. I thought the 1hr endurance would be extending runtime on saturday till 6(which would still trim 10 minutes of setup from the trackday)? I'm not for cutting the track day short as all the fixed costs of getting to the track and time involved remain the same. I do see some benefit of having the 1hr and 20 minute on the same day. Do race school, pay for the license and get to do the 20 minute race at the end of the day for free...get hooked.
  7. I'm going to be tapped running the sprints and trackdays so my opinion doesn't really matter much. I will say, I think the Saturday option would open the chance of riders with longer commutes to make the 1 hr race....where the 40 being at the end of the day on sunday makes it a little more difficult. I also think a 1hr on Saturday would put the nail in the coffin of the 40 minute.
  8. Back from the dead.... Just got off the phone with Ron who just got off the phone with Todd....any interest in running a 1hr endurance race Saturday after the trackday? And is anyone left in novice for the 600 sprints? or is it just me and shinynewbikenoexcusesronstoppable?
  9. If these were xxl I'd probably pick em up for backups. FYI these run a bit small, so if you normally wear a L, these will probably fit nicely.
  10. Dan, let me know if you want me to bring mine....not a big deal to toss it on the trailer for the ride over. I've got a heavy extension cord and power strip that I'm bringing in either case.
  11. Looks like I'm the only one who is going to have a ratty bike for Jennings fairings still have dirt and bugs on them from last year. lol cutting it just a little close? If the forecast stays the same, think I'll swap the toasty rains off the rims for 211's. Would be nice to swap wheels instead of having to get them mounted and balanced.
  12. Guess my bike is the last one still in pieces....just need to put on the fairings, wheels, re-bleed the brakes and it should be ready to roll. Fired up the bike on the stands to test out the power commander, clutch and quickshifter....everything seems to be working as it should, but the first session at Jennings will tell the tale.
  13. Random jagoff's can't, but groundhogs can....and Phil is only right 39% of the time.
  14. Shoot me the address, I'll be over unless my power commander comes in tomorrow. If the PC comes in, I want to get it installed and the bike running ASAP in case there are any bugs to work out.
  15. With it being so damn cold, does everyone wait till the last minute to throw the rims/tires on? I don't want to leave them out in the unheated garage longer than necessary.
  16. Lets just stay at Jennings
  17. We were doing the full 3 days; heading down friday and leaving monday afternoon, possibly stopping for a break on the way back. Matt and Brandon are doing Sunday & Monday, not sure of their travel plans or if their ride filled up.
  18. Think we are pretty much screwed with rush hour traffic for Atlanta unless we are leaving at 4-4:30. It is roughly 11 hrs from Columbiana...add in a half hour for pit stops and we are getting there right as traffic is starting to pick up. Other option, 77 through the mountains and toll booths puts us through Charlotte in 7.5hrs which wouldn't be an issue.
  19. Looks to be a little over 14 hours whether we go 71-75 or 77. If we go 75 we are going to have to leave earlier than 6 to avoid Atlanta rush hour.
  20. Is it time to leave yet? Brandonator, if you need a hand with anything I'd be more than happy to help out....I'm SOL till my power commander and other crap arrives, about all I can do is put tape on wheel weights.
  21. RHill


    what tires are on the bike? you don't "have" to run warmers...remember reading an article where a Dunlop rep said gpa's have more grip at any given temp than q2's(didn't mention temp ramp up tho) . If I'm there you can borrow my spare set....rear doesnt work, but it will keep a little heat in between sessions.
  22. Might be interested in a set or two depending on life left. Wouldn't mind giving the slicks a shot, love the 211s.
  23. ^nomar would be sweet! I just put on some take offs and was considering taking the tools down to do a tire change at the track to save some $. I'd gladly lend a hand balancing or whatever we need. Here is the link Matt was talking about: http://jenningsgp.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=16&t=1818 Bike is coming together and anticipation is growing....can't wait to get back to the track.
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