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Mj 88

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Everything posted by Mj 88

  1. It's cool, I think I already know. Can't wait to see some pics!
  2. Is this for a new bike or the mini bikes?
  3. Supermoto in a box! Nice.
  4. We rode 150 miles at Rockhouse and Buffalo mountain. Good stuff, it was well worth the $50. My favorites were the single track high numbers and the extreme difficult, most difficult trails. I'll just say it feels like I got beat up six times in two days.
  5. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5HOO7s1GCRM&feature=youtube_gdata_player
  6. Mj 88

    22LR Rounds

    +1 I do not shop there.
  7. Mj 88

    22LR Rounds

    woodbury outfitters 22LR 500 bricks $101.00 WTF! My dad just told me this.
  8. At WNF if you have license plates on your bike do you have to pay for the pass? And does this make me cheap for asking?
  9. Outlaw trails and fighting hillbilly girls off of you! I like were this thread is going. Thanks guys!
  10. With a free bike maybe.
  11. One or two seconds more and he would have looked like the bike did.
  12. I say crazy! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XpLeelowXkk&feature=youtube_gdata_player http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=f_Ii-xWwujk&feature=youtube_gdata_player
  13. I did not know that! And bump for a nice looking bike.
  14. Anybody else have tips on this area? I figured more people on here would have been there.
  15. Thanks, There will be four of us and two guys have been there. But I'm not sure what parts they've done. We are all pretty seasoned riders so it should be a good time. I just like to know what I'm getting in to. Ok, I'm getting excited!
  16. I'll be on the crf 450x and I'm staying by Gilbert WV. I've been wanting to ride there for years. It's always fell through.
  17. Has anybody ridden Hatfield McCoy? Are there any trails that I need to try? I'm headed there next weekend. I've never been there so any tips on the trails or area would be helpful.
  18. They might as well make a new titanium or carbon frame and then we'd have something. I've never road a XR 650r only the 650l. It was a pig! I bought my first 450 new it's only seen the dirt for the first 100 miles. It now has 15,000 miles on it and it's been a solid bike.
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