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Everything posted by Kmanlyst

  1. Now city riding seems less interesting. Keep an eye out for a video here shortly only caught a little of the first part SD cards filled up fast.
  2. Kmanlyst


    went with the Bridgestone Battlax BT-45 front and rear
  3. Glad we rode back the other way almost missed out on a damn good ride,thanks for the invite I had a blast kinda makes up for having to work during the dream ride. I have video editing right now but sadly three of you guys were so far ahead I didn't get much of you
  4. hey I'll be just a tad bit late maybe 15min at most......damn honey do list.
  5. Could always meet at the 7-11by the taco bell there on high street. Blitz following you would be a good idea seeing as all I have really done is city riding in Columbus don't really know my way around much outside of that lol.
  6. Looks like I am going to have to do Thursday just informed of mandatory OT tomorrow and Tuesday so guess I am in with you Brandon and Shawn.
  7. I think I am going to cancel my idea and go on this ride.
  8. Going to have to read this more when I get home...trying to do this at work on the is a pain.
  9. Like I said I am flexible time wise but don't really want to be making my way back to Hilliard in the dark and it seems the 9th would be better for most.
  10. I am off of work both days so time isn't much of an issue.
  11. Was thinking about heading down to Hocking for a ride,don't want to male the trip solo wanted to see if anyone else would be interested. Weather is supposed to be nice both days around 68 will iron out meet times and locations if I get a response.
  12. With them firing people left and right for little things I didn't want to push it,besides after the 23rd I get 3 floating holidays and an unscheduled general purpose day.
  13. next time damn it I WILL be there and no boss is going to revoke my vacation time!
  14. This sounds like my kind of ride I'll join if we get another nice day.
  15. Man this sucks,won't be off of work until 6pm
  16. Picked my bike up in May and just hit 3300.
  17. Sorry jdonn needed a pair bad tired of riding in sneakers and wife wasn't going to let me get the pair of SIDI I wanted she faints anytime I mention something for the bike. Keep reminding her how many isles the girls had for toys growing up and how many boys had......this is payback lol.
  18. Danmoto Carbon Gp wasn't a bad slip on for the price. $125 free shipping.
  19. Sadly work weekends and off during the week but the 23rd I get my floating vacation days back.
  20. I want to go but don't want to do a solo trip.
  21. I know you were messing. Nope haven't been to Hocking got my bike in May rode solo for quite a while before joining the site and found people to ride with.
  22. Than Jen I plan on doing a full season of videos next year and plan on hitting Hocking.
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