I don't fault anyone who chose not to go or not ride in the rain! Back when I only had one bike, I wouldn't have done it! But I have a dedicated track bike now. And nothing hones your skills at being a smother rider than riding in the rain. Many of us had rain tires and were able to run surprisingly fast in the wet! I'm just bummed I didn't bring my spare set of rims or I would have purchased a set. Most of us had dedicated track bikes that were set up well and only got scratched when they low-sided. They just had to pull out the mud and grass and go again. A large number of the Junkies are racers, or are considering getting into it. It was a perfect opportunity to get some wet practice in without the pressure of a race weekend. And as mentioned above, an opportunity to become a better all around rider. Like I said before, the 22 wrecks is very misleading. The people that went down, went down 2 or 3 times each. Some on Motards that barely got scratched. Many in slippery, soft grass. Nobody was hurt, and everyone had fun! I can only think of one bike that wasn't ride able after the first drop. That was because he didn't have a spare set of rear sets. Oh and lastly, there were 6 girl junkies that all ran in the rain. None of them went down.