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Everything posted by aforrest4

  1. They were only getting to 90 on the long straight, but you would think they would have higher corner speed due to more rubber on the ground.
  2. You can't get more reliable than a 92F. They are classic old school. Almost as good as my Sig P226. Both are a little heavy compared to some of the new composite choices. But these will last for ever!
  3. How you doing? In my best Joey voice.
  4. I'll be running A. going to try to share a garage with some friends from Cincinnati.
  5. I'm in! Probably going to do the school too. Hope to meet more of you there!
  6. Once you finish your mods, I would love to try it! Curious how the red dot works compared to my standard AK sites.
  7. Damn, I forgot to pick up a suspension page from Brian!... The other Brian.
  8. Good meeting you today Brian! Liked the new ride! Sorry I confused your wife with a similar colored & numbered bike.
  9. No. All three are on the assfaultjunkies.com website.
  10. Just came across a well set up 05 CBR 600RR track bike with street plastic for $3,400.
  11. I have owned an old XT and an old AIM. Currently still have the AIM. Both have worked at every track day I have been to with what ever transmitter was posted on the wall. You should be able to pick a used one up for $125 or less. What I like about the XT over the AIM is it uses normal Batteries you can pick up anywhere. The AIM uses expensive round batteries. But they last for ever.
  12. I have no problem buying a wrecked bike for the track. But I would want to look it over closely first. make sure the forks, triple tree, rear swing arm, etc are not bent. A stock 08 R6 is faster and handles better then most older sportbikes. But will cost a fortune to build up. You could purchase a well set up one for $5.5k to $6.5k. I know of an AMA Spec 07 GSXR 600 for sale in Cincinnati for $5.5k. And a well setup 08 CBR600RR for $6k. Neither are mine, but I know both owners well. PM me if you want info.
  13. Fireman, I'll be there the 15th too!!! Lets hook up. I'll be driving a Blue Pontiac Grand Prix pulling an open trailer with a Red CBR600RR with yellow plates and the number 4 on it. 4est. don't think I can get Monday and Tue off. But might try to go back Tues. Sat will make me elegible for the customer appreciation day. So I'll most likely be going Oct 1.
  14. I can think of 5 riders that went down at least twice off the top of my head and I wasn't paying attention. I was pretty sure at least one of the motards went down 3 but I could have been getting them mixed up. Looked like at least two of them went down twice each. Not that it really matters.
  15. Hey Brian!!! Way to help out the OR on Suspension!!! Any chance I can get one of those sheets? Even through I have been to Mid-O at least once before? Plan to be there the 15th.
  16. I don't fault anyone who chose not to go or not ride in the rain! Back when I only had one bike, I wouldn't have done it! But I have a dedicated track bike now. And nothing hones your skills at being a smother rider than riding in the rain. Many of us had rain tires and were able to run surprisingly fast in the wet! I'm just bummed I didn't bring my spare set of rims or I would have purchased a set. Most of us had dedicated track bikes that were set up well and only got scratched when they low-sided. They just had to pull out the mud and grass and go again. A large number of the Junkies are racers, or are considering getting into it. It was a perfect opportunity to get some wet practice in without the pressure of a race weekend. And as mentioned above, an opportunity to become a better all around rider. Like I said before, the 22 wrecks is very misleading. The people that went down, went down 2 or 3 times each. Some on Motards that barely got scratched. Many in slippery, soft grass. Nobody was hurt, and everyone had fun! I can only think of one bike that wasn't ride able after the first drop. That was because he didn't have a spare set of rear sets. Oh and lastly, there were 6 girl junkies that all ran in the rain. None of them went down.
  17. Oh and yes there were 22 bikes that went down. But only about 10 riders. Most of the riders that went down, were low sides that didn't break anything and the riders went back out and did it again. It wasn't as bad as it seamed. Also most everyone went out in the rain instead of waiting in the pits. I was surprised on how slippery it was there in the rain. It didn't used to be that bad.
  18. You should have stayed. We have a few dry sessions towards the end of the day that made it all worth while! A buddy recorded the last session where we started from a stop on the front straight. It was a blast! I'm the Red honda with yellow plates. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wbcaitt8TzY&feature=share&list=UUoQYwSvp4gwQ7cTSYhuRsAA
  19. There are a lot of less expensive options for anti slip covers to put on your tank. I haven't used them, because I haven't needed to put something on my tank. But when I see creative options at the track, I have asked where they got it. There is a Rubber "tire like" option in the Auto section of Walmart. Anti slip options for wood stairs. Get creative. You just have to cut to fit.
  20. I recognize some of you. LOL. Thanks!
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