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Everything posted by aforrest4

  1. aforrest4


    Thanks Fazer! I'll keep that in mind. going to try to swing by the store tomorrow after work. FYI, I miss my old Jen 1 FZ1. So far has been the best all around bike I have owned. May buy it back one day.
  2. aforrest4


    I'm not familiar with Vortex. Are they considered on par? Better? or worse? than the Nikon and Leupold?
  3. Oh that's bad!!!..... Yet I LOL anyway!
  4. U-Haul has installed 5 out of the last 6 hitches on my cars. No complaints. Good luck!
  5. aforrest4


    Those were the big names back when I got into hunting years ago. The speed of life has kept me away for many years. Good to see they both are generating quality products. Just wasn't sure if any new players were comparable. Thanks everyone!
  6. aforrest4


    I have noticed there are some well informed shooters on this forum, and am looking for advise. I have a Winchester A-bolt 7mm Remington mag that came with a low quality scope. Looking to upgrade the scope. Interested in best bang for the buck suggestions. I doubt I will ever try anything over 300 yrds but you never know. I have customers in KS and may hunt out there. Looking for durable, accurate, and decent in low light (dawn, dusk). I know now is a good time to buy and there can be quality pieces had for decent prices. Don't really have a price range. But the less $$ the better. I need to be able to afford tire and gas $$ for hitting the track. Hopping to hit Jennings in Feb.
  7. I haven't seen too many campers with a door large enough to get a bike thru. But that would be a great option if you find one. You can usually find small to mid size campers cheaper than toy haulers.
  8. I rock a tent or just a mat & sleeping bag in a garage. Not as comfortable as a small toy hauler or RV. But pull a 5x8 trailer with my Pontiac. I have gotten as good as 23 mpg for a tank pulling 2 bikes. Dream setup is a small to mid size toy-hauler and a tow vehicle with a decent back seat.
  9. On my wish list is a tow vehicle with a back seat and a midsize toy hauler.
  10. Most common is bending them while transporting in a wheel chalk where the rotor hits the chalk. Another is it hitting something when falling over, or when moving in a tight space. I'm sure there are exceptions, there always are.
  11. Back when I was a sales rep for Sysco Food Services, I used to take orders on my cell phone and punch them into the laptop while negotiating rush hr traffic. It is amazing I'm still alive.
  12. traditionally when rotors cause pulsating, they don't need turned. They are bent.
  13. It makes you a little clueless, and lucky that they payed enough attention not to knock your ass out of his way in the lane he wanted to be in. There are a lot of drivers that would have swerved to miss the curb and never looked into the left lane first.
  14. Cars suck. Get a kick ass bike and drive the Tercel during the winter.
  15. Most of the suggestions above have been good. A modern 600 will completely out perform your current steed on the street. A 750 will accomplish anything you wish. I recommend you check insurance before you choose anything! That has determined a few of my purchases, or lack there of. If you find you have to try a liter bike and have you heart set on a zx-10, I recommend one of the new ones. the older ones have a reputation for having quirky handling.
  16. I have been around long enough to watch over and over. There are times a Union is extremely beneficial. Believe it or not, owners/upper mgmt can get a little greedy. But when they are around too long, they almost always go too far. They always require a little more, rarely will settle for less. Eventually you have to give or it will take the company that is feeding you down. If labor costs, benefits, and retirement packages are so high, it makes it so they can't compete in the market. Or if the market demand drops, they have to take less until the company finds a new product to compete with. This is a perfect example.
  17. I was always partial to Ho-Ho's!
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