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Everything posted by aforrest4

  1. aforrest4

    DSC 4718

    I'm not picky..... I'll take them both.
  2. So many toys... Not enough $$ to buy them all.
  3. To to harborfreight and pick up one of these. http://www.harborfreight.com/media/catalog/product/cache/1/small_image/135x/9df78eab33525d08d6e5fb8d27136e95/i/m/image_21102.jpg Be sure to look into any magazine for a $20 off coupon. Place it in the far front of your... van, truck, trailer, etc. Just wheel you bike onto it and hook a strap up to each side of your bike pulling it forward. Works great for parking your track bike without stands in the garage too.
  4. aforrest4

    Nice raxx

    Pics or they don't exist.
  5. My long range rifle is an Winchester A-bolt action that shoots a 7mm Remington mag. I need a better scope though. It came with a cheep one.
  6. That is the most tricked out 30-30 I have seen. But expensive. I will be most likely getting a traditional one.
  7. Sounds like a great opportunity to bring motivated sellers to buyers! LOL When is the next one? I'm looking for a few new toys.
  8. aforrest4

    new toy

    I want one!! Nice find!
  9. I understand your concern with turn 10 at Putnam. I didn't say every inch of Putnam was as safe as sleeping in your bed. I said it was the safest track in the area. And it is. 8 out of the 10 turns you can run off at high speed and just cruise until you are going slow enough to return. I have run off between turn 1 & 3 at well over 100 miles an hour multiple times, and about 50 yards later turned around an came back to the track. I wouldn't try that at any part of Mid-O, Grattan, or any other track I have been to. It is also relatively easy to learn. It isn't as technical as the other tracks with more elevations changes.
  10. I was there that day and remember it well. By the end of the day, the guy on that Hammer was passing some people on sport bikes. It was awesome to see! He is correct! Most of my track days were run on a Sport Touring bike (Ducati 907ie), and a Yamaha FZ1. I can't tell you how much fun it was to talk trash after passing a sport bike on one of those. LOL
  11. Fist make sure you have the proper gear. quality helmet, 1 or 2 piece leathers, gauntlet gloves, boots, & back protector. The 2 closest tracts to me are Putnam Park IN and Mid-Ohio. I highly recommend Putnam park for your first track day. mainly because it is easy to learn, and one of the safest tracks in the area. Mid-Ohio is one of the best facilities & most fun tracks on this side of the country, but don't ride there when it is wet. No matter what: on your first visit, go on a weekend that has a Novice Training class, and attend it. I don't care how fast or talented you are, you need to learn track rules, regulations, flags, and safety tips. Otherwise, you WILL endanger yourself and others. You can always be bumped to the next class after your first few classes and sessions. Do not go alone. There are plenty of things to keep track of. Gas, tire pressure, gear, hydration, food, the track schedule, etc. It helps you stay focused if you have someone helping you keep track of the necessities. Or at least come with someone familiar with the do's and do nots at the track. It is also good to have someone there that knows you if you have a bad day. Bring your bike in another vehicle. First, you will be too tired after your first track day to safely ride home. Especially on a hot day. Second, if something breaks or you drop it, you may not have a ride home. Third, you will run through more than 1 tank full during a track day (bring a full gas can too). etc. Regarding your bike. Once you choose an organization and event to participate in, read their requirements. Do not just prep your bike for the Novice class. If you feel you are an accomplished rider, you can't get bumped to the next class if your bike will not pass the Teck inspection for that class. Example, many require no antifreeze, and the oil filter and plug to be safety wired. Bring something to hold your bike up. Either a wheel chalk, or a stand. Most track organizations will not allow a kick stand. Or if they do, will require that you strap it up. Lastly, tires. A quality Sport tire is all you need. DO NOT run a sport touring or harder tire. You can worry about track tires and tire warmers as you progress. But they are absolutely not necessary. I have run respectable times in Advanced on Q2s. And have been one of the faster Intermediate riders on Pirelli Corsas, and Michelin Pilot Powers. The great thing about modern sport tires are, they warm up fast, do not require warmers, and have almost as much grip as Dot race tires in perfect conditions, and have more traction then Dot race tires in less than perfect conditions. They last longer, and are safer to ride on the street after. Have fun!!!
  12. It isn't an issue... Unless you make it one.
  13. Send me $500 and I'll get you a sponsor.
  14. Sound like the perfect job! Leaves your days for riding, and every other weekend for track days!
  15. I used to work at a dealership with a 2 car garage with high ceilings. A torpedo heater warmed it up pretty quick.
  16. They were actually pushing the rear tire down for the burn out. LOL
  17. Hey Brian! Great topic! Based on your description, I assume you are saying your friend is an A group rider. If he as a mid pack A track day rider like myself, but rocking a liter bike, he has to understand that if he gets decent drives, passing under breaks is the other rider's ONLY option to pass. Especially if they are on a slower bike. If they kept the wingspan rule while passing, then no I see no issue. Granted there will always be slight lapses in judgement. But it sounded like you were already next to him at the turn in point. So it should have been fine. But if he gets spooked while being passed like that, then he should consider bumping back to the I group until he gets more comfortable with passing and being passed. Or riding a smaller bike that can be overtaken in the straights. It will be the fastest way for him to learn corner speed. If you two were in the I group, then you should have waited for him to make a mistake and pass on the outside, or pulled through the pits and waited for an opening to re-enter the track. Since I moved down to a 600 last year, I understand the frustration of trying to pass a faster bike in the straights but slower in the turns. But it has been a great learning experience for me to try new lines and watch for mistakes to take advantage of. I do my best to let the pass-ee know I'm next to them as early as possible as to not spook them. I usually hear someone trying to go by a few corners before they get me in some of the harder breaking areas. I'm still a pussy on the breaks. But getting better! Luckily I have never been one to spook easily. Now as for racing, look for openings and go for it, but you go to far if you are going to push them off the track. When they run a defensive line, they will be slower than you, but it can work to keep you behind them. Don't get frustrated, take a wider entry and drive under them on the way out of the turn, if they turn in early and come out early, take a wider line and drive or the outside. Just try to get on the gas just a little earlier than they do... without high siding. Do you best to be on the inside of the next oncoming turn. Being on the inside and breaking as late or later then they do will guarantee that they will have to yield to you or be pushed wide, but in that case, it is their fault if they don't.
  18. If it is a street bike with antifreeze, I tend to ride it whenever it gets above 60 deg. My track bike I tend to drain it, fill the tank with Stabil added and unhook the battery. Oh and put it up on stands. Some times I even take the wheels off and put them in the basement, depending if the tires are in good enough shape for a track weekend or not. Race tires seam to dry rot easy in the cold.
  19. Sounds like a good time. I was just in Columbus for the OSU game. I might make a trip back for an OR range day.
  20. I made it to Fuel for the gathering. but didn't make the hillclimb. I'm going to try to make it next year.
  21. I hope not!! He has a bus load of people with their life in his hands. This bitch hits him while he is driving. He has the piece of mind to put the bus in park before he gets up and hits her back. He is my hero!!! She should be thrown in jail for endangering everyone's life. Similar laws to someone on a plane!!!
  22. Bucks usually move early morning and just before dusk. Unless spooked. The does tend to move more during the day. I usually hit the stands before first light until lunch. Head to the cabin for a long lunch then back out until dark.
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