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Everything posted by Medina

  1. I've read those are good starter bikes, I have no idea. My thinking was get the biggest one you could lift up by yourself, so, at 15 I started with some kz125 street and trail thing. she's taking the MSC, yes?
  2. dunno, as a fellow ohioan, we've all seen incredible projects sitting somewhere, and upon an asking- you hear it took me 12 (etc) years to do this. case in point, I've seen a real deal daytona superbird in town (look it up) guy said he's had it almost 20 years and its still not done, just finally drivable
  3. wait, is that THIS weekend, or NEXT weekend? I'm humping around here thinking of going today, rushed, but going
  4. Last big fat one I got in the 80's was "20 and over" ADDS reckless op to the total. I just paid a 15 over ticket in fucklorida, and it was over 200 bucks.
  5. HEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!! I googled 84hondavf45magna, and this dude showed up. I might be interested in the bike if I look that cool sitting on it.
  6. verizon can bite my shiny metal ass. I have an old dead smart phone around here...maybe I can try this
  7. I wake up each morning and Thank God I live in a country where the bidding on rodent gear is well over 20 large. Awesome. And I'm in the wrong dam biddness
  8. you mean, assembled from various makers around the globe but here in the US? Cause dont harleys have a SHIT load of stuff not made here on them?
  9. yeah, that^ CHL has NOTHING to do with it, even if you're a ghetto looking tattoo'd thug who when looked at it, turned it sideways and yelled pew pew pew. ohio drivers licence OR state issued ID, I sell stuff, take a photo with my camera and get or give a bill of sale, with a date and sig, all else stfu.
  10. glad to hear things are looking up!
  11. Yup, right next to those Che and Mao t-shirts.
  12. My cheapest helmet rarely fogged up, and I rarely took it off to my hair stuck to my head sweating My shoei fogs if I think too hard, I've walked into stores (take off gear) with my forehead sweating and my hair matted down looking like a dude who is about to announce some sort of manifesto wearing a bomb..but its quiet... go to your ear doctor, pay the 100ish bucks and be happy this is just a link, no connection http://www.eartoearhearing.com/custom-ear-plugs.html but a LOT provide a similar service. http://mymotorcycletouring.com/product/motorcycle-gadgets/e-a-r-insta-mold-ear-plugs-review/
  13. "Anyone know if President Obama intends to perform background checks on the Syrian rebels before providing them weapons?"
  14. I know, I'm new here, but maybe I can add something that might help the younger ones here. IF it floats, flies, or fucks; Rent it. edit, had to google stupid ass husband and idiot wife and oddly, this came up http://www.today.com/news/woman-gets-back-23-000-ring-husband-accidentally-sold-5-6C10321767
  15. almost sig worthy quote lol
  16. Been married three times, and working on #4, congrats, you'll be an expert in no time!
  17. Neither is flying into the back of a truck trying to read an HUD inside your visor...I imagine the accidents will be epic when goofus glass hits the market, eh?
  18. Medina

    Honda Grom

    whats it evolve into?
  19. On a goldwing? Dont they make those foot pegs out of antivibration material? I swear I thought I saw those on a table at a swap meet one time.
  20. preload might help I know shifting your weight forward at speed with a wobble will sometimes kill it m'eh, just searched youtube, there was a vid about the dynamics of the wobble, and weight preload/distribution. Cant find it, I'll look in the kawi forum where I found it first a couple of years ago, will post if any luck
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