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Everything posted by o-no-moto

  1. Sup kyle up the road from you in Springfield. Welcome to ohio riders
  2. Hello fellow springfielden.... ( excuse my English went to Springfield public schools)
  3. Whats wrong with shiting in cereal? You say that like its a bad thing..lol
  4. Got a set of factory chrome rims for a cbr. Believe they fit around a 98 or so. Not sure the size of bike the tire on the rear rim is a worn and chome is starting to bubble around spokes 190/50/17. Front is matching but unknown size. Cheap track set of spare rims. 80$.obo
  5. haha...popped your wall cherry.

  6. Granda or hellmutt can lead the trip down this time I wont volunteer. I mean mising a exit an all is kinda fun I wouldn't want to do it again. Lol
  7. A double dose of P.M.S......Lol
  8. I cant give you any byers advice but bike advise I can. I have been riding myself for 4 sesons and started off on a fz 600. From what I have learned its the grandfather of your bike not to bad for a beginner. Then I upgraded to a 95 fzr witch is my current bike that I currently still have and for 800 $ I couldn't pass it up. I can tell you I and pretty happy with my current bike and I upgrade between the to was superb brakeing and performance. Would I like to have a more modern bike yeah who wouldn't but a 600 for myself is plenty enough bike to get in trouble if pushed to hard. Sorry for my rambling just think your really going to enjoy the upgrade.
  9. hell yeah 2up like last year. And we all know its the best group
  10. yes please do I slighty hard rock sound track would be sweet. But not required. Lol
  11. What about quick accord? Haven't heard anything from him
  12. I'll be there for the meet maybe a tire change
  13. That's so funny. A couple of months ago here in Springfield there was a guy that called in a bomb threat at the mall and the hospital. That is he thought it would do was distract the police while he robbed a bank. Well guess what he tried to robb the bank with.....yep a bomb the police had it figured out by the end of the day.
  14. I am not very tech savy. Can some one tell me how I can get the group photo developed
  15. Ok dubie well meet up. Where we eating at thoe?
  16. Damn I am just a retared diesel mechanic ( look at my grammar). I might also have to look into some kinda program.
  17. Thanks for the suggestions guys. I will hit him up if needed started cashing in some favors might of found one
  18. Damn 29 views and no suggestions. I might be in trouble.
  19. Who in here could or would paint my bike fairings. I got dulipa color paint shop primer base color and clear. My guy says he is at lease 3 weeks out and I want to at lease get a few miles under my belt before the ride.
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