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Everything posted by Gunner75

  1. I have a AR lower receiver made by Palameta State Armory, its got a CMMG trigger kit and Lower Parts kit. All thats left needed is a stock and buffer tube. I dont see this whole gun ban going through anytime soon. Too many republicans in the house are current NRA supporters and Harry Reed in the Senate is a NRA supporter. Hes already come out and said he wasnt in support of a ban but was involved of stricter back ground checks and NICS checks on private sales.
  2. On Wednesday, December 20, Governor John Kasich ® signed amended House Bill 495 into law. HB495, sponsored by Rep. Terry Johnson ®, makes three changes to current law: Eliminates the "demonstrated competency" requirement for second and future CHL renewals, making CHL training similar to a hunting license. Fixes the definition of a "loaded gun" to match the commonly accepted definition. Allows law-abiding gun owners to have their firearms stored in their cars in the state-owned parking garages such as the one under the Statehouse. "This represents a dramatic improvement to the law," said Jim Irvine, Buckeye Firearms Association Chairman. "We solved the critical issues of removing the ill-conceived 'demonstrated competency' for renewals that start next month, and achieved a workable definition of a "unloaded firearm.'" The law, which received bi-partisan approval in the House (66-23) and Senate (26-7), will take effect on March 22, 2013. That "loaded gun" definition is a loaded magazine inserted into the weapon.
  3. No way in hell ill put a safe in a basement below ground level. Even if your basement is sealed, it still gets higher humidity then above ground. If your safe doesn't have a proper seal youll play hell keeping humidity low even with an electric dehumidifier. My dad has a large 1200 lbs 30 gun safe that he has installed in the closet of the guest room. bolted to the floor. Cost him 3grand to have it bought delivered and installed used. Most people in his neighborhood know hes got guns, hes got several outside deterrents that keep the thieves at bay. But like the installer told him, a safe is great to have, but if someone really wants in they will get in. Its the other items you have that will keep them away.
  4. http://www.globalpost.com/dispatch/news/regions/americas/united-states/121214/michigan-approves-concealed-weapons-law-schools-churches The day of the Ct school shooting, Michigan, amazingly being one of the most liberal states in the midwest allows for Concealed carry in schools and churches.
  5. Am I the only one here who thinks its a huge coincidence that Adam Lanza's father and James Holmes's father were both scheduled to testify at the Libor credit hearings.
  6. Every weapon can be used for combat, so to say that a Glock pistol is a combat pistol is a moot point. A derringer pistol can be used for combat.
  7. Wait.. Then why are they criminals? On a side note, Ed Shultz now says that a Glock Pistol is an assault weapon and shout be confiscated
  8. Well weve established that Mag's is all for criminals running around without concern. I gotta ask... What are we to do about guns in the hands of criminals?
  9. I think Mag's has been playing to much Black Ops 2. Noobs always going around shooting RPGs like crazy and shit
  10. [quote name=magley64;939725 A gun's design intent is to destroy a soft target from a given distance. I'm just talking about the reality of the situation' date=' your government isn't afraid of your gun... It will not stop them from doing something they intend to do, it will not even slow them down, it will not affect their decision making one iota...your gun does not scare them. FBI estimations put gun ownership in the united states at around 305 million. Considering of all the US forces combined there are around 1.5 million, that does put the american citizenry on even footing with our military.
  11. My wife went to use hers at first and i told her to get used to using the sights because in a moment of needing it its just one step you dont need.
  12. his brother is 24, for a sometime the news reports said that he was but he was infact 20. When they first found him he had his brothers ID on him and i am thinking that is where they got it from damnit speedy lol
  13. last i heard he stole them from his mothers house, they were all registered in her name. The also said 2 days prior he tried to purchase weapons at a few different gun shops and was denied by the background check process. So that proves the current system works. As any criminal will do they will get their weapons via theft or back channels illegally
  14. Shes dead by her sons own hand because of her own inadequacies as a responsible parent and gun owner. If she didnt have her weapons locked up, its as much hers as it is his. If she allowed him to have access to them via having the combination, or leaving the door open, shes as much to blame as him. To punish everyone else who is a responsible owner is like banning the owning of cars because one drunk driver took out a bus full of kids.
  15. That is what ive been bitching about since Friday. She is as much to blame as he is for what happened.
  16. The point is anything can be used as a weapon. Drunk driving is illegal, but you dont see the government going all out to ban cars. They arent out there banning alcohol. Knives can be used as deadly weapons, but they arent trying to take away my Ginsu's. The first reported killing in the bible was Cain killing Able with a stone, is the government going to outlaw stones larger than an inch?
  17. Since when was an AR15 or an AR10 an assault rifle? Neither are capable of full auto fire without some serious upgrades, all of which are strictly enforced and regulated.
  18. Yeah totally possible http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ICDG24NkYyc
  19. Hes ok with being a victim and praying that in a situation where he is assaulted with a gun that the police will be able to come and save him.
  20. I got myself a Springfield Armory XD9 4" Service in OD Green. All the guys that i see up here either get all black or the stainless with black lowers. If anyone here remembers my Ninja 650 youll know I like to be different, that even goes over to my guns. Got it for $500 out the door. MSRP was $459 The cheapest place around me was Old English Outfitters but with the cost in gas down I come out even in my opinion. I am exempt from taking the Concealed Carry course with my veterans status. Ive already taken my paperwork, and photo down to my sheriff's department and turned it in. They did my fingerprints and background while there. Entered my information into their system and told me Ill get a call in 3-4 weeks to come pick up my license. Dont freak out, I was a line coach small arms trainer when I was discharged in 2004, I have ample training in the handling of a firearm. I will be signing up for an advanced class come the spring. I got my wife her christmas present, a Ruger LC9-LM. She loves it, fits well in her hands. Its all black and has a Lasermax ambidextrous laser sight. Its a nice little gun but not for me, too small and far to much trigger travel for my taste. I have her scheduled for her Concealed Carry course in March. We took both our guns out to my father in law and ran some rounds through them. Father in law broke out his Judge. That thing is a blast. I have to say though, my XD fires flawlessly. I used Federal general FMJ rounds for plinking. Plan on getting some personal defense hollow points at some point, just not sure which ones I wanna get or where to get them. I also managed to purchase my AR lower receiver and some spare parts for which i will be building myself an AR15. My wife made me promise to wait till after we get our taxes back to finish the built though.
  21. My Garmin Nuvi 2555 is super easy to program routes, you just move the map with your finger same as a smart phone and then tap it to select the next way point.
  22. I wanna get one of the new 636's damn those things are sexy as hell
  23. Was definitely a good way to end the season. I dont see many if any days where the weather will cooperate like it did this weekend. I ended up getting home at 630 tonight.
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