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Everything posted by Gunner75

  1. Im definitely up for this. I just need to do a little work on the 650 to make sure shes good to go but ill roll on this one.
  2. Aint that the damn truth, Ninjachic, you are slacking in your required posting of your pics...Now that its obvious you have a friend/roommate on the site, theres no reason to not post them as you both can take each others pics:D
  3. Ok well i spoke with him again tonight, showed him this thread, hes decided to say fuck it and get the parts he needs legit and not depend on a free ride.
  4. I was telling him that it was possibly a scam but he seems intent on giving it a try. There are videos on youtube from different users with shoutouts to bikesponsors.com but it just seems way to good to be true
  5. My buddy down the street says he was approached by a guy when he was in Cleveland last week. He said the guy asked him about getting a bike sponsorship. Long story short, he applied for this "sponsorship" at their website last week and heard back from their site that he was approved all he had to do was activate his account by paying $140 up front then he would get the option to get anything based on their pricing tier up to $250 with a total maximum of $5000. I went over and looked at the page and it looks fairly legit but we all know shit like this could always be a scam. He doesn't do track days and is a straight up street rider. I find it hard to believe that a company would offer a sponsorship to someone who doesn't do trackdays. In return for the sponsorship he has to record a video and either post it or get it to the site administrators.
  6. i just told him to take it to the closest honda bike dealer and see if they can identify it. His plan is to sell it. I asked him to send me a side photo of it, but it looks very similar to the 929 mentioned above.
  7. my phone wouldnt post the pic images i edited the original post with the pics
  8. My buddy got this in a storage locker auction hes curious what it come off of and how much he could get for it. I asked him if there were any serial numbers or part numbers on it but he says there wasnt one. Its obvious that its from some series of CBR and that its a gas tank. sent from my galaxy s 3 using tapatalk
  9. You just got ICS? Hell im waiting for Jelly Bean to update to my GS3
  10. Its an interplanetary invasion force from the planet Anigav. They have come here to collect all forms of males with a penis larger than 3 inches, sadly Im here to tell Casper he does not meet the requirements.
  11. i thought i read someplace that if someone purchased 8 Ms would give them a windows 7 downgrade if they wanted. The general consensus in my circle of friends is windows 8 is developed to integrate with xbox and the newer microsoft phones and tablets. It goes without saying though, Microsoft releases on a Tic Toc dynamic. Tic is always the shitty releases, and Toc is known as the better release. XP was a Toc Vista was a Tic 7 is a Toc 8 is a tic, so Windows 9 or whatever they call it will be better than 8
  12. dont get me started Ty sent from my galaxy s 3 using tapatalk
  13. I wanted to, god knows the weather was nice for it, but my wife said no. And i figured since my mother in law was there i would like to keep my nuts intact. My mother inlaw is scared to death of bikes.
  14. Shes my little monkey. Shes also my youngest. My oldest doesnt even want anything to do with me. As much as i try its straight attitude. I would hope one of my kids would enjoy the same hobby i do.
  15. Shut your mouth Jack! lol Shes got black boots but couldnt find but 1
  16. A degree in "Womans Studies" That means shes a fucking dumbass who actually bought into the whole song and dance about that degree being worth a shit so now shes looking to whore it up in order to pay her bills. Oh and that huffington article is from 2009
  17. My wife asked her what she wanted to be for halloween, and she originally said a police officer. Well looking at Meijer, and walmart, plus the costume stores they didnt have a costume that didnt cost 50+ for a kid, so we talked her out of it. She decided she wanted to be a biker chick instead. Im a proud papa...
  18. I would consult with an it career counseling agent and get their thoughts. If it goes as big as you say you might consider securing a salary position with a substantially good amount and go from there. Try to get a feel for if he wants an employee or an on call it tech guy. Try to see if you can get him to reveal what he would consider is a good negotiating starting point. You could always start off with the gear you know he will need submit the cost of the gear then submit the cost that you feel would be appropriate. Go slightly higher because if hes smart he will probably negotiate. It does sound like it could be legit. But to be safe i would try to get a position as a salaried employee. That way you dont have to worry about him stiffing you sent from my galaxy s 3 using tapatalk
  19. I love my gs3. Be warned its huge. If you got smaller hands you might have issues. A great alternative is also the Motorola photin q. Slighty smaller with a qwerty slide out keyboard. The gs3 is fast with is 1.5ghz cpu and a full gb of memory. If you end up going with either you wont go wrong. You will want to turn off a few of the stock options to save battery life. At stock settings ill go dead in about 6 hours On a full charge i have my battery life extended to about 15 hours. But its also depending on what apps you keep active and your wifi usage turned on. If you need help configuring it hit me up. There are also some videos on youtube on how to optimize it for best battery vs performance sent from my galaxy s 3 using tapatalk
  20. Should have told her you felt the urge to live life.
  21. Both of those areas are horrible for bikers. I usually speed ahead to get in front of traffic specifically for these reasons. Sadly I can see where you couldn't avoid it on the highway. You controlled yourself better than I would've so kudos to you on that. Had it been me, one of us would have visited the hospital.
  22. The prices are nice, but you have to look for them. Their current season gear is a bit more than other places but thats to be expected for a brick and mortar store. Its only a rape house if you allow yourself to be raped.
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