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Everything posted by Gunner75

  1. I thought a tender didnt stay on that it just monitored the battery until it dropped below a certain level then it turned on
  2. Find a large parking lot to practice the maneuvers. I would imagine the horseshoe parking lot would work great for any day when there isnt a game.
  3. Ok so i got a feeling I will be putting the 650 up soon, so im thinking about everything I should do for winterizing. So far I have the place to store, my cousins heated garage. I need to get a battery tender, (whats a good one for the money?) My plan is to fill the tank up and in the spring throw in a bottle of fuel stabilizer. Should i put it up on stands and take the pressure of the front and rear wheels so i dont get flat spots? The rear isnt to much concern as I will have to change it in the spring.
  4. Apple does the same shit when it comes to their Iphone. Look at all the lawsuits against Samsung
  5. How the hell do any of these people make it through life? I can barely understand anything in their statements. Most of what is written are incomplete sentences. Nothing makes sense
  6. I can't help but wander why my male boxer who is not fixed allows my female Boston terrier who is fixed to hump the living shit outta him. If she could she would straight up pile drive him... sent from my galaxy s 3 using tapatalk
  7. I dont know bout the other 3 but there was an add in the plain dealer over the summer where they were hiring for dealer positions supposedly they started out at 45grand. And the positions were full time with benefits. Required an FBI background check and a credit check. I was tempted but i didnt want to have to move to the Cleveland area sent from my galaxy s 3 using tapatalk
  8. Please take it easy on that road. Its more narrow then many others around there. It is a very technical road and needs to be taken seriously. Semis tend to throw gravel up off the shoulders because they take the corners to tight. My suggestion , get more time and miles in the saddle before you ride it. However it is your choice. sent from my galaxy s 3 using tapatalk
  9. I had a great time. Was definitely a harder ride than I'm used to. I'm familiar with most of those roads and was trying to stay caught up. My little 650 just doesn't have the raw power the rest of you have when exiting the corners. With as much fun as it was i think it will be my last long ride in state for the rest of the year. Those cold mornings are definitely taking their toll on my body. Was good meeting all of you from up that way sent from my galaxy s 3 using tapatalk
  10. Its raining to the north, take care as it could go south.
  11. Slow and easy wins the race. You can only ride as fast as your comfortable with. I just walked in the door 15 minutes ago. At last count my total for the day was 453 miles start to finish. My ass hurts and it it started raining about 15 miles before i made it home. Im far less in pain then others. Im glad to hear that those who didnt make it back with their rides at least have their lives. Crazy good looking out when you come back on my mistake. Thanks man it means a lot
  12. Wait, I blow a corner, you come back to check on me then you have a slow 2mph drop in the ditch, then on the way home, you low sided and wrecked the shit outta it? Well Im glad to hear your ok.
  13. Damn glad your ok. What happened ? sent from my galaxy s 3 using tapatalk
  14. hope to see ya there im walking out the door in about 15 minutes
  15. Im up and awake, dont feel bad really, just a little stopped up in the sinus. Not enough reason to keep me from riding. Im going to attempt this so please expect. The meet spot is the speedway at 212 off I77 correct?
  16. If i remember correctly their training is all done in house by experienced dealers from other casinos. Probably due to the trainee's not grasping the whole idea of how to play. Ive never been a fan of craps, Im more into Black Jack, and Roulette.
  17. I never lied to her, She told me I could have one but asked me to wait a substantial amount of time, I decided not to wait. Knowing my wife like I do, her wanting me to wait is when Im old and grey the kids out of the house and She doesnt have to work anymore. Im 34, our kids at 12, and 9. Im not waiting.
  18. Ah yes, but liberals say we cant do that, we have to try to rehab these fucking shit stains.
  19. I will never understand that...My wedding cost me 100 bucks, $50 for the license and $50 for the judge. She was just happy her new husband had a job.
  20. Thats why when i bought my bike I told my wife. When she asked me to wait, i basically lied to her and told her i got a hell of a deal and couldnt pass it up. If i was gonna wait for her ass, I wouldnt get it till i was rich, and that aint never gonna happen, I bought that shit slept on the couch for 2 days, gave her the old pickle tickle and all was good
  21. Doc i sent you a PM, please check it.
  22. When she tells you that the bike has to go, then its time to rethink priorities. good luck with your en devour though
  23. Dont do it.......Just run now......
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