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Everything posted by 99FLHRCI

  1. ^+1 One is dated 1995. A little late for the Ruth Era.
  2. Well since they said the 300 had not seen the light of day, I am assuming it is brand new? If so a fully loaded 300 goes for $47,000 so there is half your $100,000 before adding in the S-10, and any modifications.
  3. That was the only thing I could find. However, the icon looks different (mine is more "real" looking). When I pull down the bar and select the icon it just goes to my home screen. I have Amazon App Store and get one paid app for free everyday. Yesterdays app was TaskKiller Pro by Antoine Vianey. I think I screwed up by downloading it. That is the only thing I changed yesterday. I tried Uninstalling that and a few other apps I don't use and then rebooting. No luck yet.
  4. 99FLHRCI


    If you decide to go Mongoose, get a hold of me. I have a near new condition one I would sell cheap. That being said, the only Haro dealer in the Columbus Metro area (according to their website) is: Handy Bikes USA LLC - Preferred Phone: (614) 299-0550 Address: 1055 W. 5th Ave. Columbus OH, 43212 http://www.handybikes.com
  5. I shut my phone off earlier today. When I turned it back on, I saw a new icon in my pull down bar. When I pull down the bar it says "Locker Enabled Your phone is protected". The icon is a gold padlock. Does anyone have any idea what this is or how to get rid of it?
  6. Says the SWAT team found her hiding in the woods with the bow and some extra arrows!
  7. I am very interested and I think the listed fees are very reasonable.
  8. Try not passing in a double yellow, and if you are going to don't cry about what happens when you do. I hope they both get in trouble legally.
  9. Insurance company wants paid. Kind of like if you took your car to the dealer and it was wrecked. You call your insurance because you pay them to handle these things. They pay you and go after the dealership's insurance company to get paid. In the case, the government is self insured so they go after the government.
  10. 99FLHRCI


    Neg. rep.- signed, sealed, delivered
  11. I would suggest carrying the dark color of the carbon fiber out further with black paint. Like: http://i105.photobucket.com/albums/m234/todescengel/jon.jpg http://i105.photobucket.com/albums/m234/todescengel/jon2.jpg http://i105.photobucket.com/albums/m234/todescengel/jon3.jpg The carbon alone I think will look more rice then nice. If you make it look 2-tone until you get closer and realize that its carbon trimmed in black, I think it will look a lot better.
  12. Well I have decided to make the big leap. Game Over. That being said I am in the process of making plans and aligning vendors. Is there anyone on here that does DJ, Photography, Catering, Etc.? I would like to support members from this site. I am hoping to have the wedding on 09/24/11. Anyone that does business aligned with weddings please feel free to post or contact me. If anyone has any recommendations feel free to post also. Any suggestions on locations would be appreciated also. We are currently looking at Valley View Cabins in Hocking Hills and Four Seasons in Columbus.
  13. What is the point of this? If I give an officer my name and address he can get my DL information which will tell them my age.
  14. He didn't set out on a crusade to teach the city about their laws. He was walking to the parts store through a "rough" neighborhood. When he was confronted and told he could not open carry he stated the Internal Directive that allowed him to and he had his license with him. He was threatened to be shot and then forced to the ground. He was asked if he was looking for trouble. He stated that if he was under arrest he had nothing left to say. The officers told him to STFU. That is when they found his recorder. He stated in another article that he carried the recorder for multiple reasons, CYA in the event he had to use his weapon and because he had been harassed and had his weapon confiscated before. The cops got mad when they found the recorder and tossed him in a car. When they found out that he had not committed a crime they released him. At that point the officer decided he was not disorderly or causing reckless endangerment. (Event occurred Feb. 13th) Only after he released the audio tape was he charged. (Charged April 21st) I do not agree how he handled the situation by arguing with the officer but, I also do not agree with the way the officer approached the situation and lack of professionalism. However, once they realized they were in the wrong they did release him. The part that I feel makes this a big story is the fact that a month later after he released the audio, they decided it was a problem and they charged him. I would also be interested to know if someone filed a complaint or if the officer just happened to stumble across him. If no complaint was filed I really don't see how it was disorderly or causing endangerment. http://www.delawareonline.com/article/20110516/NEWS/110516009/Philly-man-charged-after-posting-audio-gun-arrest?odyssey=tab|topnews|text|Home http://www.philadelphiaweekly.com/news-and-opinion/Open-Carry-Experiment-Shows-Cops-Dont-Know-Their-Own-Gun-Laws-121989564.html
  15. Luke Skywalker might not be happy with the system, but how's a storm trooper gonna change things? He's got kids at home and needs to put food on the table, so what's the big deal, right? Nope. Murdered. Blown up Death Star.
  16. There was no internet access. If you read that is part of the point of the story. They are curious how the porn was brought in.
  17. Mustang: http://t1.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcQHHEaKpuFfQqVXxtUp51Xq8DoD8ONEe5HKaGS6fIHm17C_4uSx Corvette: http://t2.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcRUa0Sm90y6xI4reU6ipsKyttHdx4KweRWugNDux1y064ltLlIP5w
  18. Air also passes under a vehicle. Hence bumper lips and such trying to direct it over and around to help prevent lift. If you look at the bottom of most Hondas that rear bumper is just a big open spot to catch air. Acts kind of like a parachute.
  19. 99FLHRCI

    open carry

    True, however, sidewalks and easements are city property. So if it was a random person with an open carry walking down the street it is legit.
  20. Because a)he is stupid and b)he said the guy was "like a dad to him". Apparently, this is not the first time he had it out. Multiple street racing videos have surfaced. Supposedly he put like 300-400 miles on the car.
  21. I think it would make it more interesting if people tried to find generation pics of their own vehicles. http://www.team-integra.net/sections/members/images/fdb9c088-2b8b-4df9-ab6f-4a3fbd3780f6.jpg http://www.g1teg.org/history/01.jpg http://i53.photobucket.com/albums/g73/polska11111/integrameetmay72005021edit.jpg
  22. Grand Theft Auto.....or as his name has been changed to Grant Theft Auto
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