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Everything posted by ninjachic

  1. Well it is possible. Depends on how nice you are.
  2. Pretty sure I would get arrested big time for that if I did, Officer Cory!!!
  3. You would Thomas!!!! BTW when are we gonna ride together? I wanna ride!!
  4. ninjachic

    first gun

    haha oops. that's what I get for getting on this before my morning coffee.
  5. ninjachic

    first gun

    I dont give those out for free!!!
  6. ninjachic

    first gun

    ya know. none of that surprises me at all.
  7. ninjachic

    first gun

    awww poor baby feels a little left out and thank you!!! also post pics. I wanna see!!!
  8. ninjachic

    first gun

    oh positions are everything!!!!
  9. ninjachic

    first gun

    yeah I'm sure you about as innocent as I am!!!!
  10. ninjachic

    first gun

    oh I am sure you do!!!!
  11. ninjachic

    first gun

    hahaha omg. I know. you just pulled it out and I just knew right then that it was the perfect size and fit and I had to have it right then and there.
  12. ninjachic

    first gun

    ah man. oh well, i'm sure we will have another chance sometime. I will really enjoy it. I'm excited. I cant wait to shoot it. I def will take the class. just gotta find a day and time I can do it.
  13. Thurs at like 5 would work awesome for me. I need target too and the eye/ear gear unless I have some stuff at work I can just use. There might be some.
  14. I actually got one today that I wanted to play with. I work til 4 on Thurs. and work all day Fri. So I might be able to join you. I've heard the Powder Room is pretty pricey. Do you know how much it costs?
  15. ninjachic

    first gun

    thank you and it was good to meet you as well. Hopefully I'll see you both soon to go shooting!!!!
  16. HAHAHA I know. It just keeps going and going and going and going.....

  17. ninjachic

    first gun

    I did. I dont like it to grow back. thats no fun.
  18. ninjachic

    first gun

    that requires having something to compare it to!!! hehe oh yea haha. i'm sure you'll just have to find out.
  19. ninjachic

    first gun

    I never said there was. but they are fun to play with. hehe
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