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Everything posted by ninjachic

  1. jesus. we should put them in the same room with knives and let them fight it out and kill each other!!!!
  2. Actually I lot of criminals prefer to be on death row then in a maximum state prison but the chance of them surviving is a lot longer.
  3. well hopefully someone will beat and stab her ass repeatedly in Jail.
  4. haha wow. had to say they had it coming. how stupid can people get? dont answer that. I already know.
  5. ninjachic

    New Toy

    do these come in my size? congrats on the bike btw!!!!!
  6. YES. that was my exact thought as well. What if it was me screaming for help, I dont know anyone in my complex, but I would hope that someone would hear me and be willing to do something. So therefore, I did something. btw forgot to mention, her dad had the coolest Irish accent ever!!
  7. I hate getting woken up too. I am NOT a nice person at all if you wake me up.
  8. that wouldve been awesome target practice
  9. that right there tells me that even know I dont know them or really see anything. I know that was in fact the right thing to do.
  10. got home from work and her family is there helping her move out. I talked to her dad. He thanked me for calling the police and he said he's ok but a bit shook up obviously.
  11. I did stop by the leasing office a few min ago and let them know what was going on. They said if he's not on the lease they can ask him to leave and that they will keep an eye out for anything. they also said if I hear anything like that again, not to hesitate to call the authorities again.
  12. so you wouldnt have even called about a noise complaint?
  13. Here's the other thing. When I called the cops, I did not tell them that he was beating her because I could see anything. All I told them was that she was screaming on the top of her lungs "help me" repeatedly. and All I could here downstairs was him yelling and a lot of banging and this is all loud enough to wake me up. They asked me what I thought was going on, and I said honestly I dont know because I cannot see anything but from what I can hear it sounds serious and it is very loud. So part of my call to the cops was because she yelled for help, the other part was as a noise complaint. It wasnt until I heard the cops talking about a DV did I know what was actually going on.
  14. oh i'm in the process of buying a condo. I close Nov. 29th on it. I'm actually kind of hoping that this might allow me to get out of my lease early so I am not paying to both places at the same time.
  15. well that's what got me to ask this question. I stayed up for a while after I called the cops and paid attention to what was going on around me. This is one of the biggest apartment complexes in central ohio. I never saw another light come on and I'm sure there had to have been at least 20-25 other complexes that shouldve heard it. I am stopping by later to at least let the landlords know what was going on. and my gun is for personal protection. Thats why I just called the cops and didnt get involved after that. but considering I was the only apt with lights on, Im sure it's pretty obvious it was me. But that doesnt worry me at all. If he wants to come at me for calling the cops, i'll be sure to teach him a lesson he'll never forget. I would never kill him but he'll know not to fuck with me.
  16. to add a a little more to the story. Earlier this summer I filed a noise complaint with my apartment complex because they were blaring techno music til 4 in the morning every night. after that is when I started to be able to hear him yelling and a lot of banging. I never did anything then because I didnt know what was going on. wasnt my place. I only did something this time because of her screaming. I dont know how but she did manage to lock him out of the house and he took off right before the cops showed up. I dont know if she is or isnt pressing charges but i could hear the cops saying that they needed someone to come to take pictures for a DV. So I am hoping she does. and as far as if the dude comes at me for calling the cops....well isnt that why I bought a gun?
  17. No, I have never met them.
  18. Last night I got into an interesting situation, and it got me thinking how many people would do what I did. About 1:30am I got woken up by the girl who lives below me screaming for help. Her boyfriend yelled at her to shut-up and get back into the apartment which she did. After that I could here him yelling more and very loud banging. (I am a person who really likes her sleep, so I was not very happy that this woke me up and was going to keep me up.) So I called the cops. Turns out he beats her a lot. So the question is without knowing that he was actually beating her would you have called the cops, or would you have thought it's none of my business and did nothing?
  19. thanks that is very helpful. I will def have to work on that.
  20. Sorry I'll be sure to work on those pics for you. and btw, I dont have a roommate.
  21. haha she's a girl. Where's MT? He's slackin!!!!!!
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