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Everything posted by ninjachic

  1. well then why dont you post some pics. I'd like to see a pic of this jello hot tub ya know just to see if it is something i would be interested in, MT.
  2. that is true but I also dont like the idea of jello going up in places it shouldnt be. That would be difficult to clean out.
  3. Yea I want to get out and ride more but I work 2 jobs. That makes it pretty difficult. I do know that next year, I'll take the class and then I'll be riding to work and riding every chance I get.
  4. well i figured that. but my idea consists of soaking in alcohol.
  5. Really, where are the good guys at. I've already met some...well...very interesting guys on here. Makes me scared to meet some more. I also would be surprised if there's anyone on here who lives in my apartment complex. There's quite a few bikes in there and if they arent on here, well they should be.
  6. yeah still think i'll pass. I like my idea better anyways. it contains alcohol.
  7. a jello-filled hot tub would be a bit sticky. That and it's cold outside. Give me a hot tub filled with adult Hot Applecider and I am so there.
  8. How is it more fun and rewarding? or do I want to know?
  9. That is def good advice and a great idea especially for those newer riders like me. So thanks.
  10. haha. somehow I get the feeling there is more to this story that I need to know about.
  11. haha. well I make a damn good chili!!!!! we shall see if we can make something happen. maybe sat. if anyone is up for it.
  12. I have the original Ipad and I barely use it. except maybe to watch netflix at work or something. But outside of that. It just sits in my apartment. I've considered getting something from a different company because I have a feeling I would like it more and probably use it more.
  13. no she needs to work on birth control!!!! She's 26 with 5 kids and no job. and her boyfriend well doesnt really have a job either. I'm pretty sure they live in a trailer home. Yea, that would be a good idea. at least til I have time to take the class. I work too much the next few weeks.
  14. haha. probably true. But I do know she has other things that she probably needs to work on first.
  15. haha. still not gonna happen. Poles are dangerous. My friend knocked herself out on one.
  16. My little apartment is not big enough to include a pole.
  17. oh that's a really really good idea. I may have to do that. haha. I'd have to clean my apartment first. haha. I can make chili for everyone too.
  18. Well I only need to cover my ass for a little while longer. I close on my condo at the end of the month. Then I've got 2 months to move because that is when my lease is up. but I am def moving as soon as I can. I really hope he doesnt mess with me. But I def need to tread carefully just in case.
  19. IDK. I dont think I need to worry about carrying it around. I just keep it here in my apartment. But it is possible, he knows it was me. I was the only person with lights on when it was all going on.
  20. well think i might need to get some target practice with my gun. turns out the guy still lives below me because I just ran into him and he did NOT seem happy to see me. yikes
  21. I agree. It isnt your place to intervene. Obviously, mention it to your wife but make sure she's not going to bring it up to her boss because that could cause issues for her. And you don't want her caught up in the middle of it. It could end badly. But do make sure she does know just in case her boss does bring it up, so YOU dont get in trouble with her. and tread carefully!!!! that could end up in a very very sticky situation for everyone.
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