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Everything posted by ninjachic

  1. ninjachic

    first gun

    and btw its probably a good thing you have all that other stuff now considering someone is now trying to get me kicked off of here.
  2. ninjachic

    first gun

    see I would carry if I could but unfortunately most of the places I go right now, it's actually illegal to carry in there. Guess I could leave it in my car then but that still kind of defeats the purpose of carrying.
  3. ninjachic

    first gun

    no no no, I said I am NO ginger. its a dark red. well sorta right now. most of it faded out.
  4. ninjachic

    first gun

    well i'm just curious how he is going to verify?!?!
  5. oh i've been there. omg her stuff is AWESOME!!!!! best gluten free stuff ever!!!!!
  6. ninjachic

    first gun

    haha YES!!! now that would be fun as hell!!!!!
  7. ninjachic

    first gun

    wrong. i'm watching tv.
  8. ninjachic

    first gun

    oh really. then tell me something about myself that I dont know already. and if there's a camera, then what am I wearing and watching on tv?
  9. ninjachic

    first gun

    you havent met me yet!!!!
  10. ninjachic

    first gun

    yeah i've shot a bit before. and I am a very cautious person for the most part. I def want to take the safety course. my brother I think is taking it this sat but I have to work. thats the problem is getting time off of work for it. I wouldnt mind eventually getting a shot gun. guess it depends on how much I spend on my first gun. I'm also in the process of trying to buy a condo so I need to save as much money as possible.
  11. ninjachic

    first gun

    I'm a natural brunette with a bit of red in it. I've been black and blond. I just like the red on me the best, it just doesnt want to stay.
  12. ninjachic

    first gun

    well i'm no ginger but currently in the process of making my hair red.
  13. ninjachic

    first gun

    haha sweet maybe I can run over there around then.
  14. ninjachic

    first gun

    yeah I'm going to see them tomorrow since I have a day off, FINALLY!!!
  15. ninjachic

    first gun

    actually he was PISSED!!!!!!! pretty sure he called me a bitch too.
  16. ninjachic

    first gun

    yeah it was pretty small and he said, "oh wow, your small hands make my small dick look big." and I just bursted out laughing. Needless to say he got dressed and left and that was the last I saw of him and I just couldnt stop laughing the whole time.
  17. ninjachic

    first gun

    oh I know. his was too powerful for me so I wasnt comfortable firing it which is why I want something a bit smaller to shoot. But I'm also really wanting something pretty cheap to shoot as well.
  18. ninjachic

    first gun

    I'm sure I can handle the kick back if I handled my exes gun as well as I did. It was more of an adrenaline rush than anything because it was a lot bigger and more powerful than I expected. but I still dont want anything as powerful as that one. I wish I could remember what it was. and of course something cheaper to shoot than his as well.
  19. ninjachic

    first gun

    hahaha. Aiight, I'll be sure to stop in tomorrow then.
  20. ninjachic

    first gun

    oh that looks like fun!!!!
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