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Everything posted by ninjachic

  1. Welcome to the craziness known as OR!!!
  2. I think you're right. Society in America really needs to change that.
  3. OH REALLY?????? Now that sounds like a group ride I could get into right now.
  4. Sounds like something my dad would do!!!...Oh WAIT...HE DID!!! Then my brothers got to be A LOT bigger than him so then he chilled down a bit. But he used to pull shit like that all the time.
  5. Thank you very much. I appreciate the offer. I'm still not very comfortable on my bike yet but as soon as I am, I will def join you.
  6. I'm doing quite well. How about yourself?
  7. I thought most of you guys put that stuff on your junk just for fun. Or I just know A LOT of really weird guys.
  8. OH I've noticed that. I look at what some kids do these days and I'm like damn my dad would have taken a belt to my ass if I even considered doing something like that. and that wasnt even that long ago. Scares me what parents are gonna be like in 20-30 years from now let alone any longer than that.
  9. That's the whole reason I couldnt be a teacher. My mom kept telling me and telling me all through college that I should be a teacher. F-THAT!!!! I had to quit babysitting for extra money cuz I wanted to strangle all the little brats!!!
  10. damnit. I wish I could drink beer. If you ever get a collection of gluten free beer or ciders, I would be more than happy to take them off your hands.
  11. a 14 yr old is old enough in some areas to be considered an adult so a 14 yr old should be mature enough to know what she should and should not have. It's her parents job to raise her to know that. If by 14, that has not happened, then she parents should have some fault. I know I'm not that old. I'm only 26, but I know at 14 I knew what I could and could not have. I have asthma and a lot of allergies. By 14, I knew what to avoid because I knew what would and would not induce asthma attacks because that's what my parents and doctors taught me. So with a heart condition, she should have known better.
  12. oh yeah. it just tastes a rush of heaven in my mouth!!!
  13. thanks. and madness that it is!!!!
  14. IDK. How did you miss this?
  15. Microcenter still has Bawls. They sell it in cases now there too.
  16. Well that's all good to know. I've never been to an indoor range. I've been to an outdoor range and then I've shot at beer cans in the woods out in the middle of nowhere. So this should be an interesting experience.
  17. honestly, I think the parents should be held accountable for the neglect of the healthcare of their child. If they were more careful about what she ate and drank especially with a heart condition, then this would have never happened. ps. Monster Rehab all the way!!!!
  18. No Monster shouldnt be responsible at all. It was HER choice to drink it. Nobody forced it down her throat. and especially since it does say Not Recommended for Children. That means ONE can is Not Recommended for Children let alone TWO. So that doesnt make sense, she should have been fine with more caffeine than that, so I'm wondering if we know the whole story here. Like what else did she have? I think there is a lot more to it.
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