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Everything posted by ninjachic

  1. Sorry, I only date Ninjas !! That's how awesome they are !!
  2. Yeah, i'm thinking of just skipping cleveland and doing just this one if I can find a couch or something to crash on or at least a floor. or maybe someone else that's going single and I'm sure I can find the money to split a room if I can get a ride up instead!
  3. haha. yea that I would be. On a side note, the indian dude hooking up my cable and internet definitely just said Get-r-done!
  4. Haha. Well I appreciate the thought at least. I'm sure ill find someone. But I'll see what happens after Christmas. Who knows maybe ill get lucky.
  5. Hey now. Pretty sure I can afford to get there just can't afford a room.
  6. Sometimes I dream about being carried off by a giant squirrel....does that make me a nut?
  7. And again Happy Birthday. Already said it on fb. Why not on here too. Haha. Hope you enjoy your birthday weekend!
  8. I don't see how this is attention whoring at all. It was a great thought. I am my no means a believer at all. But I can understand that this might make some people feel better about the situation. For those who aren't believers, don't read it. He's not forcing you or shoving it down your throat. And def not knocking at your door shoving a book about it in your hands. It's your choice. You shouldn't be offended at all by seeing something like that on a public site. No one is jumping down your throat about what you believe in so don't jump down others about what they believe in.
  9. BTW, does anyone know if the power is back on in Hilliard yet? Power was still out when I left and I just wanna know if I'm gonna be going home to a cold or warm home tonight.
  10. Nummy Nummy Gluten-free Turkey Sammich!
  11. Yeah mine went out this morning.
  12. Speaking of last min, x-mas shoppers....I am working at the Oil Bar at Polaris Tonight and tomorrow from 5-10 and sat from 3-10 and during that time all my Friends get 20% off, if anyone is interested!
  13. With the option to test out of the class, which probably should be the same test that you take at the end of class.
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