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Everything posted by ninjachic

  1. Well that's cuz the blowing is your job!
  2. So my boss screwed the schedule up and scheduled me here an hour before I needed to be here. Now what to do for a whole hour in a mall that isn't open yet?
  3. haha. nice. anyways, I'd def give money for gas and bring some delicious snacks for the road.
  4. Well it looks like I'm out. I cant get anyone to cover my shift so I have to work until 6 that day. Hopefully next time, I'll be able to join.
  5. So I'm only going that sat. Is there anyone going just for one day in the columbus area that can give me a ride there and a ride back?
  6. Right now it's up in the air as to whether or not I can make it. They changed my work schedule so I work til 6 that day but I am trying to get someone to cover my shift. I need a day off anyways.
  7. That looks interesting. Does it happen more when you are at rest or when you are moving around or does it matter?
  8. There is nothing like starting off a friday by seriously pissing my boss off because I showed up to work with a giant hickey on my neck and at least 2 patients have brought it up making fun of me for it. It's gonna be a long day!
  9. ok good luck and let me know how it goes!
  10. Wouldnt be the first time I've gotten a random pic of some guys junk! actually pretty sure I could make a scrap book of them all!
  11. WaHooo!!! Got my bonus check! I might be actually about to get new tires for my car and a battery for my bike!
  12. Yeah, eczema, is just dry flaky skin, nothing to do with bumps. Most people get it bad especially on areas where clothes rub on the skin, in the winter. If you do get eczema, you need to use lotion without alcohol in it. Most lotions contain alcohol so you must be particularly careful when choosing a lotion. Contact dermatitis is the most rediculous work ever because it can explain so many different things. There is such a wide range of what it covers. Dermatitis is basically just a skin reaction to anything. Contact dermatitis means the skin is reacting to someone it came into contact with. Even a bug bite, eczema or allergic reation is considered dermatitis. and even those sites can out up wrong information sometimes and not even know it.
  13. and allergy test will only test for the most common things. If it's a reaction to a drug, the allergy test wont show that because they dont test for drugs. Where did you get this? First off eczema, is just extremely dry skin. Psoriasis doesnt come up here and there, it is always there and its usually developed as a child and there is no real cure for it so it's something people live with their whole life. Contact dermatitis is really just a professionally sounds phriase for an allergic reaction to something. Thats also why I asked if the skin was hot to the touch, if so, see a doctor asap, it's infected. Are they large bumps, or small bumps? is the skin around the bumps red? (basically skin is my thing. It is what I do for a living. So if I can see a pic, I can help).
  14. Cortizone should help. If not then you might want to see your doctor about it. It sounds like an allergic reation to something. Is the areas around the bumps red as well? Is the skin there hot to the touch? Can you take a pic?
  15. actually it did pretty well. I was surprised. gotta say, a random pole I found in my garage, a dust pan, and camo duct take does wonders!
  16. The "shovel" I made to try and clear out some of the snow from in front of my garage and to keep in my car in case I get stuck tomorrow.
  17. So anyone want to come plow my complex so I can get to work tomorrow morning, because evidently my condo association isnt going to do it....
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