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Everything posted by ninjachic

  1. Hey if you guys are going to go out and drive around in this, please be careful. Most of the roads are a mess, and there are accidents all over the place. And of course people are driving stupidly crazy in this!
  2. So why are we open right now at Polaris mall? It's gonna be dead today and I'd rather be sleeping.
  3. Benedryl and cortisone cream helps!!'
  4. Happy Christmas everyone. Hope it's an awesome one for everyone!
  5. Yeah pretty sure my family doesn't like me having a bike. My dad tonight goes "oh Jen sorry I opened this. It's you application to the American Motorcycle Association.......oh sorry it slipped" as he throws it into the fire. My brothers both laughed and gave him a high five.
  6. I'll just enjoy my Wild Turkey American Honey!
  7. That much is true. but not very common now a days. Physicians are trying to be a bit more careful about that now with insurance coverage for physicians being so high.
  8. http://www.guncite.com/swissgun-kopel.html enough said!
  9. actually this probably could be adjusted a little seeing as some of those physicians are cosmetic plastic surgeons or dermatologists. and I've never really heard of anyone dying from getting breast implants or from getting a nevus biopsied. but that may just be me.
  10. Yeah they had asked me to change mine too. I thought it was funny but I guess someone else didn't think so.
  11. Still planning on stopping by around 4:30 if ya'll will still be there. Just need an addy
  12. I'm not a pirate or a hooker! and prove you're a ninja!
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