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Everything posted by ninjachic

  1. Sorry forgot the other P. But we actually cannot take any pictures or show any pictures of any patient at all without their consent.
  2. so pop it and put some alcohol on it. it'll go away faster.
  3. I would if I legally could but since I work in said office, It is against the law. Thank you Clintons for HIPA.
  4. oh and it cracks me up that right now this lady is sitting right next to that sign.
  5. When in the waiting room at a Doctor's office, why do people find it necessary to talk constantly on your phone? The other people waiting don't want to hear your conversation. The people at the front desk don't want to hear your conversation and probably wont take you back until you are off your phone anyways. It's rude. Learn some respect. Especially when there is a very large sign in the waiting room saying, "For the respect of all those in this office, we ask that all electronic noise be kept to a minimum. We also ask that all cellphone calls be placed outside and all cellphones be turned off past this point."
  6. its pure cosmetic. we dont accept insurance. So with so many people being laid off, they arent going to have the money to pay for the procedures we provide.
  7. It really does. All of this shit scares me. I work in a cosmetic physicians office and all of this is going to kill my business.
  8. actually, supposedly He told a bunch of companies to avoid laying off people until after the election and he would pay them the difference to keep those employees on. This way the unemployment rate looked better prior to the election.
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