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Everything posted by ninjachic

  1. NASCAR - The National American Society for Crazy Alcoholic Rednecks!!!! But I def wouldnt mind going with some people. I think it would be fun.
  2. ninjachic

    first gun

    ok thats not bad. I can just get The Houge and a cheap cleaning kit later on this week after I get paid.
  3. ninjachic

    first gun

    so I guess the question now is how much for that and a cleaning kit?
  4. ninjachic

    first gun

    no because I didnt listen to you in the first place and it took other people so say it as well before I listened.
  5. there's me a couple of years ago. I think I still look about the same.
  6. to the craziness known as OR. Lay back, relax, strap on your helmet and enjoy the ride!!!
  7. ninjachic

    first gun

    no you're life will be complete when a woman really actually DOES listen to you.
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