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Everything posted by ninjachic

  1. right wasnt paying attention. Funny enough. I dont think i've come across him yet. either that or I just need more sleep.
  2. now that's the sexiness I like to see. Welcome to OR btw.
  3. oh and the last thing I forgot, to the jackass who decided to yell at me today. Yes, I have an anger problem, No it does not need to be treated. I just need all of you dumbasses to learn how to use your brain.
  4. Nice bicycle, now what kind of motorcycle do you have????
  5. This is going to be more like a random rant than than random thoughts. Where did people learn how to drive? First off....You have mirrors, use them at all time, so when you decide that you want to get in the next lane you already know if there is a car there and down have to turn half of your body to look causing you to turn your wheel in the opposite direction and almost run me off the road. Secondly, you have blinkers. Use them properly. What is the point of turning on your blinker half way through your turn? Thirdly, there's a pedal that you put your foot on that makes you go. USE IT or get out of my way. Lastly for this part at least, if you cant drive a car please for the love of god DO NOT TRY TO DRIVE A UHAUL!!!! Now for the last part which has nothing to do with the first part. What is the point of taking your entire family to the grocery store? Make a list and have either your husband or wife stay at home and watch the kids. or do what my mom did and go to the grocery store at night after she put us to bed. That way I dont have to listen to your kids screaming or you screaming at your kids. and also you wouldnt have to chase your kids around the store and be in my way. K thanks.
  6. put them in a box and take them downtown and give them to the poor homeless guys
  7. The fact that you are still pushing so hard to get someone to just come and get those really makes me wonder what you did to them....
  8. what are we gonna do when the world ends? I always planned on hiding out in the twinkie factory since those things last forever.
  9. wow those look a lot nicer than the ones I got off of there last year for that price. Damnit. So anyone want to buy me a christmas present? haha
  10. starting a business is kind of a nightmare. good luck with that. If you can before you do anything, do what hoblick said and talk to accountants and banks and credit card proccessors. I also would suggest getting some books on how to start a business and reading those and maybe even trying to find some classes to take about business financials. Those classes may even help prior to talking to accountants and banks. It'll give you a better idea as to what they are going to talk to you about and be a bit easier to know if they are going to rape you or not. Be careful if you do open up a business with a partner. It always ends bad. My dad originally started his business with a partner and well that lasted like 4 years before they split up and they abosultely hate each other now. Also try finding others who own small businesses and whatnot and talk to them about how they got started. The more research you do beforehand, they better.
  11. haha. I checked it on my PC and it took me to facebook too but not the page I was trying to show. So no not an iPhone fail. Just a stupid link fail. but the last one I posted should work.
  12. no but it definitely applies to some guys I have met!!!!
  13. https://www.facebook.com/pages/Pure-Skin-Tattoos/126891967369337 - try this one.
  14. https://www.facebook.com/#!/pages/Pure-Skin-Tattoos/126891967369337 he did mine. He's awesome. Only place I would ever go!!!! He's got most of his work on his page too.
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