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Posts posted by HeavyDuty

  1. Apparently Cracker Barrel removed some Duck Dynasty products. yay.

    They only removed the Duck Dynasty products that are owned by A&E

    In support of Phil all of the Duck Commander merchandise (owned By Phil Robertson family) is still on their shelves

  2. I really do not care what you guys do with each other if it’s your thing go for it but when homosexuality becomes the norm what will be the next boundary that gets pushed. I’m old school and still believe that it all just a mental illness and you can’t teach this old dog new tricks.

  3. Please elaborate how you don't equate them but you list them in the same sentence.

    Can you not see a distinction between consenting adults and EVERYTHING else?

    You have a very narrow outlook Polygamy, Bestiality, looks like consenting adults to me Pedophilia may be way out there but the way our society is progressing morally in may be in the realm of things in a few hundred years. If history really repeats itself I once heard a story of Sodom and Gomorrah

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  4. My take on what Phil said was when the public becomes completely tolerant of the gay life style. What will be next to push the limits of sexuality? Polygamy, Bestiality, Pedophilia, He was not saying they were the same thing just that society is progressing toward them. Where will it stop? Who’s to say that 100 years from now every home will come with a sheep pen in the back yard? Only time will tell every generation becomes more tolerant and excepting than the last.

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  5. What do you base this on?  Just curious.

    Good rep for calling me out on this.

    Just a personal observation I have only known about 5 gay men in my life thru work but everyone of them have never been able to have a relationship last more than a few months. The statement was a bad choice of words and a non issue and I should not have said it because many of the heterosexual men on this form have the same problem.

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  6. Lately the Gay thing is being shoved down our throats. They want to marry. Shit, let them marry. They change partners more than I change socks. I can tolerate them but I don't have to accept their lifestyle. Phil did nothing wrong. He only stated his beliefs. Shame on A&E for sucking up to the gays

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  7. The problem now days is kids never get to learn how to be to be a good loser everyone gets the same trophy win or lose discipline at home and school has vanished so when a few of them get to high school and a different set of rules sets in they cannot handle reality and respond in the only way they know how and have practiced and seen many times.

    I remember taking my new shot gun to school on the bus for show and tell in the 6th grade or in high school during hunting season and every pickup truck in the parking lot having a shot gun in the back window. But that was a different time when your family name meant something and you taught your kids to respect it and others. Isn’t it nice how this entire politically correct BS has really made the country a better place to live? It’s only going to get worse. It all starts at home be a good parent not their best friend.

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  8. When we were in Yellowstone we ran in to a heard of buffalo I followed a pickup truck thru them but he stopped to take pictures a huge buffalo came up to us and touched my wife with his nose It freaked her out so bad I thought she was going to jump off and run. What we learned later from park rangers was if a buffalo raises his tail straight up he is either going to pee or charge you in the above video look at the buffalo’s tail. I will look for some pictures we took and post them. It will be next week I’m on my 77 hour work week and still have 3 days to go don’t feel like looking for them now. On the way back home we might want to stop at Wall Drug it is close to the badlands there are some cool trading posts and saloons there. I also tool a few days extra vacation just in case I want to take some detours on the way home.

  9. The wife and I rode out to Yellowstone a few years back and we stayed in the Rushmore area for a few days there are some great roads out there one day we were on a back road and came in to a clearing there were about 80 wild donkeys there it was early June so they were just shedding their winter coats and looked pretty bad there were so many of them we had to stop when we did they crowded all around us we petted them but I was afraid they would push us over we had a pack of saltine crackers so the wife opened them up and threw them all around us the donkeys went after the crackers and we made our escape. I remember another place it was a lake surrounded with tall gray granite cliffs the sky and the water were cobalt blue and the reflection off the lake with the green pine trees all around was unbelievable. We also took a tour of wind cave we took and elevator down to the main cavern they open up into a small concrete room when you walk out into the main room thru sliding glass doors it will take your breath away the room is so big it is unreal there are boulders laying on the floor that are bigger than most homes.

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