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Posts posted by HeavyDuty

  1. Originally Posted by Toypuller


    Introducing the new, improved, GoPro Straight to Jail Edition camera!

    Because if your going to be complete idiot, you want the police to have the best evidence possible!

    Now you can post your stupidity, in real time, to Facebook, as you commit the crime!

    Avoid long investigation times! Order your GoPro Straight to Jail, edition today!




    ^^^We Have A Winner^^^

  2. I found this poking around the Web:

    Top reasons why SOME bikers don’t wave back…

    Top Reasons Why Harley Riders Don’t Wave Back

    8- Raising the arm could be considered a form of exercise.
    7- They’re afraid it will void the warranty.
    6- Leather and studs make it too heavy to raise their arms.
    5- They refuse to wave to anyone whose bike is already paid for.
    4- They are afraid to let go of handlebars because they might vibrate off.
    3- Rushing wind might blow the scabs off their new tattoos.
    2- They can’t tell if other riders are waving or just reaching to cover their ears like everyone else.
    1- They’re too tired from the hours spent polishing all that chrome.

    Top Reasons Why GOLD Wing Riders Don’t Wave Back

    7- They couldn’t find the “auto wave back” button on the dashboard
    6- They are afraid they might get frostbite if they remove their hands from the heated grips.
    5- They have arthritis.
    4- The reflection from the etched windshield has momentarily blinded them.
    3- They were asleep when you waved.
    2- They were distracted by the odd shaped blip on the radar screen.
    1- They were simultaneously adjusting the air suspension, seat height, programmable CD player, seat temperature and satellite navigation system.

    Top Reasons Why Sportbikers Don’t Wave Back

    7- They have not been riding long enough to know they are supposed to.
    6- They’re going too fast to have enough time to register the movement and respond.
    5- They didn’t notice you, you weren’t wearing bright enough gear.
    4- If they stick their arm going that fast they’ll rip it out of the socket.
    3- Their skin tight-kevlar-ballistic-nylon-kangaroo-leather suits prevent any other position than fetal.
    2- Raising an arm allows bugs into the armholes of their tank tops.
    1- It’s to hard to do one handed stoppies.

    Top Reasons Why BMW Riders Don’t Wave Back

    5- Their new Aerostich suits are too stiff to raise their arms.
    4- Removing a hand from the bars is considered “bad form”.
    3- They are too busy programming the GPS, monitoring radar, listening to their ipod or talking on cell phone.
    2- The wires from the Gerbings are too short.
    1- You haven’t been properly introduced


  3. And when CCW passed there was going to be blood in the streets...


    A new law would need a public education component.  Possibly put up signs that say "Motorcycles allowed between lanes below 20mph"


    We cannot argue against new laws on the basis that some drivers are bad.  That's also an argument against riding a motorbike in the first place.




    And when CCW passed there was going to be blood in the streets... Not even close to the same thing



    I take it you think I’m wrong in my thinking  Look at the number of bike accidents the first month of the riding season verses the rest of the year Hell look at the number of riders on this site that wreck the fist month of riding compared to now, How many times a year do you get cut off when you have the whole lane to yourself because drivers don’t look before they change lanes I ride 480 to work every day and it happens to me at least twice a day now add in inexperienced riders thinking they can split at freeway speeds How many times have you been cut off by a driver when you are merging in to traffic just because they don’t want you in front of them. I do not have a problem with lane splitting I do it when I need to.  In California lane splitting evolved over many years to where it is today. There is always a learning curve and the dumb ones will be weeded out quickly. You do know it is illegal to ride side by side but how many times have you heard about anyone being stopped for that.  Same thing with lane splitting pretty much the only time you will be cited for it is if you cause a problem or some ass causes one for you.

  4. Lot of that going on down south. If it is what I think it is.....pipes for carrying oil gas from fracking....the trucks will be gone once the pipe is laid.

    If that is what they are going to do things will be good again. But even double axel tanker trucks will break up the shoulders and put debris on the road And they would be lucky to be able to get up to 30mph on that road.

  5. Damm that sucks 


    That’s too bad sounds like this road will be screwed for riding from now on with heavy slow oil and gas truck traffic that will tear the road up. Please keep me posted I will try to make it there when the road reopens before the truck traffic and road gets too bad...Might ride down anyway just for the ride Sounds like they are replacing a culvert around here bridges take months to replace. :) Thanks HeavyDuty

  6. Has anyone been down to 536 lately I have Monday 29th off and am riding down wondering how are the road conditions this year with all of the rain?  I will be leaving Ravenna around 8am if anyone is interested in a leisurely ride for the day?

  7. The Top Ten Viagra Slogans
    Viagra, Whaazzzzz Up!
    Viagra, The quicker pecker upper.
    Viagra, Like a rock!
    Viagra, When it absolutely, positively has to be there overnight
    Viagra, Be all that you can be.
    Viagra, Reach out and touch someone.
    Viagra. Strong enough for a man, but made for a woman.
    Viagra. Tastes great! More filling!
    Viagra. We bring good things to life!
    And the unanimous number one slogan
    Viagra. This is your penis..... This is your penis on drugs.....
  8. Garmin Nuvi 1300 Got mine on sale at best buy for less then $60.00



    Bar mounts I paid less then $4.00 for the one I use




    Power supply  I paid 12.00 for my power supply check around






    water proof case use a zip lock bag


    Less then $100.00

  9. Ok I’m the bad guy here I should have let thing go as they were instead of clarifying . At the light the whole incident took less than 90 seconds and things could have gone a lot different for everyone involved I even thought he was going to get out of his car when he put his car into park that’s why I put my kickstand down but he never got the chance by the time I looked up from the kickstand she was already starting spaying him If the light would have turn green 30 seconds sooner they could have been gone if she would have waited 30 seconds longer they could have been on their side and all I can say is good for her.

  10. It’s funny how people jump to all kinds of conclusions when a few details are left out

    The kid was either drunk or high he looked right at me as he went by eye contact. If I would not have yelled at him and gave the goldwing some warning they would have most likely been hit he was going fast enough that if he had not cut in he would have hit the bus. Funny thing we got stopped at a light about 3 blocks farther up a young girl stopped next to us she was texting when the light turned green she went the first 100 yards without even putting her hands on the wheel I hate collage towns.

  11. Asshat purposely forces older couple in to oncoming traffic older couple pull up next to asshat and kindly ask asshat to please pay more attention while driving asshat responds with threats of bodily injury and proceeds to get out of car older couple in fear of being pushed over on heavy bike protect then self and flee area before incident can escalate further enough said.

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