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Posts posted by HeavyDuty

  1. Let’s try to plan a 6 day run for the ones that want to stay longer if we do that some of us could take half a day and run over to Devils Tower it is less than 1.5 hours from Sturgis I will need to know the dates so I can put in for vacation ASAP. The wife has already said have fun.

    • Upvote 1
  2. I would be in if you could find a way to stay in the black hills area for a whole day The ride there and back is a good pace but I have been there before and you are making a big mistake if you do not spend at least a whole day exploring the area and running the back roads

    Then again I could ride out with you guys and just stay a few days on my own.

  3. I worked 31 years for Eaton Corp as a Manufacturing Engineer I started at around 25k not counting overtime a year and was salary nonexempt so I got over time. When I finally retired 8 years ago I was making well over 3X that and was still nonexempt. I worked at 2 different places after that and was making good money but my heart was not in it anymore so I ended up quitting but I was never out of work for more than a week between those jobs. After over a year of boredom I now work of a home improvement store and get paid embarrassingly well to bullshit with customers all day long the only down side is I drive and hour to and from work every day but in the summer I ride my bike every day. Life is good.


    If you are in manufacturing listen to the guys running the machines no one knows them better don’t blow them off they can be a big help when setting up a new process or when other problems come up. Stay on the production floor as much as you can don’t be afraid to get dirty but you probably have already learned this. The whole time I worked for Eaton my office was the only one on the production floor not back in another part of the building everyone had easy access to me when they needed me. GOOD LUCK with you future

    • Upvote 1
  4. My opinion? let them, if squeaking by on their $22,000 per year in benefits is a fulfilling life for them, so be it. I've got larger ambitions, and I'd rather not have them competing for the same opportunities I'm after anyway.

    I don’t think you will ever have anything to worry about or your kids either they are training their kids to take over the family business But wouldn’t it be nice to get a $22.000 dollar bonus every year on top of your pay.

    Your truly a Right Wing Nutjob

  5. Right. That's not a staged call.

    I agree . But this is the type of good citizen that the current administration wants to see. They know this is the only way they can stay in power the more of them they can produce the longer they will be in charge and the more control they can have over everyone’s freedoms.

    Everyday Obama remains in power is an insult to the constitution and freedom. He has done more to hurt this country in the time he has been in office then all of the other Muslims in history combined

  6. Yep More jobs for America Your right (He is a genius) we have 12 part time jobs up right now they had to cut all of the part timers hours to under 25 hours a week because of Obama care now we are hiring 12 more part timers to cover the shortage of hours

  7. You HAD the right to decide to go into any establishment where smoking was allowed or not you let some azzhats take that freedom of choice away from you let the sheep vote away your freedoms only because it will not affect you the government is slowly taking away all of your rights most of you do not even realize everything that has been lost over the last 30 years freedom of speech being one of them and what is a shame most of you under 40 have no idea what I am talking about LET POLITICAL CORRECTNESS RULE LOL The government should not be involved with any freedom of choice issues that was what America use to be about

    Side note I were a helmet 99% of the time this has nothing to do with helmets to me it’s only about my freedom to choose for myself and not let someone else tell me what to do I already work for a living and get paid to have some dick head do that. In car accidents most deaths are caused by head injuries and that adds up to a lot more then with motor cycles so at what point in time will the insurance companies want everyone in cars to start wearing helmets.

    • Upvote 1
  8. Every time you sit back and let someone’s freedom of choice get taken away because it doesn’t effect you America get a little weaker at some point in time something you will want will get taken away because a bunch of other people that it does not affect will not care and along the way we will end up with no freedom at all. All of you need to wake up and fight against anything that removes anyone’s freedom or we all lose in the end.

    • Upvote 4
  9. Whatever happened to freedom of choice?


    Federal task force preparing recommendation for mandatory motorcycle helmet laws

    November 08, 2013

    PICKERINGTON, Ohio -- A federal task force is poised to recommend that all states have mandatory helmet laws for all motorcyclists, which the task force says would reduce injuries and deaths as well as result in economic benefits, the American Motorcyclist Association reports.

    The AMA has repeatedly expressed its belief that motorcyclists would be best served if regulators and legislators focus on programs to prevent motorcycle crashes from occurring in the first place. The AMA also said that any economic benefits would be insignificant since health care costs related to motorcycle crashes are miniscule in the context of total health care costs nationwide.

    "The AMA continues to strongly encourage the use of personal protective equipment, including gloves, sturdy footwear and a properly fitted motorcycle helmet certified by its manufacturer to meet federal safety standards," said Wayne Allard, AMA vice president for government relations, on Nov. 7. "But we also believe that adults should have the right to voluntarily choose to wear a helmet."

    The Community Preventive Services Task Force, whose 15 members are appointed by the director of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, makes recommendations to the CDC and reports to the U.S. Congress about community preventive services, programs and policies to improve health. The task force is preparing to recommend that all states have universal helmet laws, which means that all riders, regardless of age, would be required to wear helmets.

    The task force is ready to make the recommendation based on its belief that a universal helmet mandate would reduce motorcyclist deaths and injuries, and that mandating riders to wear helmets would result in economic benefits. The task force believes health care costs for injured helmeted riders wouldn't be as high as those of injured unhelmeted riders, and also that universal helmet laws would result in fewer missed days of work for injured riders.

    The CDC, which oversees the task force, is a federal agency under the Department of Health and Human Services and is headquartered in Atlanta. Its official mission is to protect America from health, safety and security threats, both foreign and in the United States. "Whether diseases start at home or abroad, are chronic or acute, curable or preventable, human error or deliberate attack, CDC fights disease and supports communities and citizens to do the same," the agency says on its website.

    Explaining the AMA's opposition to the proposed recommendation, Allard cited the official AMA position on voluntary helmet use.

    "The AMA strongly advocates helmet use, but helmet use alone is insufficient to ensure a motorcyclist's safety," said Allard. "There is a broad range of measures that can be implemented to improve the skill of motorcycle operators, as well as reduce the frequency of situations where other vehicle operators are the cause of crashes that involve motorcycles."

    In its position on voluntary helmet use, the AMA noted that mandatory helmet laws do nothing to prevent crashes.

    "The AMA supports actions that help riders avoid a crash from occurring, including voluntary rider education, improved licensing and testing, and expanded motorist awareness programs," said Allard. "This strategy is widely recognized and pursued in the motorcycling community."

    Concerning the task force claim of economic benefits, the AMA noted that injured motorcyclists are less likely than the general population to use public funds to pay for injuries sustained in crashes, and are just as likely to be insured as other vehicle operators.

    In addition, the AMA said the costs associated with the treatment of motorcyclist injuries account for a tiny fraction of total U.S. health care costs. An even smaller portion of these costs is attributable to unhelmeted motorcyclists, the majority of which are paid by privately purchased insurance. In 2000, for example, approximately 1.55 percent of total U.S. health care costs were attributable to all motor vehicle crashes. Motorcyclists involved in crashes represented a miniscule percentage of this figure.

    To read the AMA position on voluntary helmet use, go to www.americanmotorcyclist.com/Rights/PositionStatements/VoluntaryHelmetUse.aspx.

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