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Posts posted by HeavyDuty

  1. Never stop directly behind anything always stay to the right or left of it and watch your mirrors and if needed move up next to the vehicle in front of you. Always leave yourself a way out. You will never get a ticket for that. Even in California if you hit another vehicle while lane splitting you will get sited. Bikes are small and disappear in to blind spots easily.

  2. Doing it at any other time then in a traffic jam (stopped traffic) is nature’s way of weeding out the stupid

    It without a doubt saved my life on RT8 one day. I was in the fast lane following a woman in a corolla, and had a blazer up my ass. She turned her right signal on, and a tanker truck was blocking the middle lane. She realized she was going to miss her exit 3 lanes over, slammed on the brakes, and without even thinking i pinned it and ducked between her and the tanker truck. I glanced in my mirror as i was between them and saw smoke rolling off the front tires of the blazer. I continued on down the road, I'm not sure if he hit her or not, but there for sure wasn't room for me in between.

    That is defensive driving not lane splitting Nice Move

  3. China will step in if things get out of hand they do not want problems with the U.S. We owe them so much money that if we stopped payments on them and broke off ties it would bankrupt them and put their main source of income out of business.

  4. this video is just scaring the shit out of me...

    Theses videos’ are great training tools watch them and learn from them think what really caused this accident and what could I do to change the outcome. 99% of them were avoidable by the rider. The most dangerous time for a new rider is when he stops being scared and thinks he is too good to crash and the time he learns he is not. And remember the most dangerous part on a motorcycle is the nut that attaches the handlebars to the seat.

  5. A few simple rules:

    Personally, I ride like I am the invisible man. No one can see me, and I expect everyone to be an idiot. Pay close attention to everything around you, and learn to read situations before they become a danger. YOU AND ONLY YOU ARE RESPONSIBLE FOR YOUR SAFETY! IMO, all these lights and reflectors fool riders into a false sense of security. News flash, you could put stadium lighting on the front of your bike, and you will still be in danger of not being seen. Period. No amount of noise/lighting/horns is a substitute for riding skill and overall situational awareness. Defensive/reactionary riding will get you killed. Ride with a controlled aggression, a little faster than the average traffic, put other vehicles where you want them to be. For example, if you are constantly getting passed on the highway you are not in control of your surroundings and you should speed up. There are situations that result in accidents that are completely out of our control. It happens. But, most motorcycle accidents could be avoided by better situational awareness and overall skill, not big bright lights and loud pipes. Don't rely on inanimate objects to save your ass.

    A few simple rules:

    1. Ride faster than traffic

    2. Never hang next to any vehicle, either pass or fall behind if need be

    3. Every vehicle at every intersection is going to cut you off

    4. Expect every vehicle to change lanes right in front of you, see #2

    5. That car approaching behind you at a light will rear end you. Never stop directly behind anything stay to the side Leave a little space and watch him in your mirrors.

    6. Your throttle will get you out of more situations safely than your brakes ever will.

    Sounds like a lot of work? It is, but your life is probably worth it. Once you've done it for awhile though, it becomes second nature. It will greatly improve your cage driving skills as well.

  6. Been riding over 40 years on July 2 2010 at 7:37 a young girl on a cell phone ran a stop sign from behind a tractor trailer 10 feet in front of me I T-bone her at 45mph I remember everything all I thought was dam this is going to hurt. The bike hit her right front wheel well I came off the bike over the right handle bar I had on a leather coat but the mirror cut thru the coat and ripped thru my stomach and broke of inside me my right hip hit her fender and drove the hip ball thru the socket I somersaulted over the car and landed on my left hip scattering it The girl panicked and stepped on the gas I got my hands up on her front bumper and she pushed me across the parking lot the only thing that stopped her from running me over was my bike wedged under her car and lifted the wheels off the ground. After everything stopped moving I tried to get up but that was not happening I told everyone not to touch me and played dead until the cops got there the first cop on the scene was my oldest son He thought I was in shock but I told him I was ok and what good would my panicking do or help I figured stay as still as possible until to paramedics’ got there To make a long story short my youngest son was getting married in 8 days and I made it to his wedding. Not the Drs orders but with lots of good drugs I made it. Now I’m back to 100% and loving every minute of riding I get (Over 11000 this past summer.) Oh ya to top everything off the girl had no insurance.

    Back in the early 70s I was coming thru a intersection and a old woman ran the red light and broad sided me at over 60 mph the impact tore the bike in half (KZ 750 twin) and thru me almost 50 yards in to a parking lot I got up with only some minor scrapes and burses from that one and spent the next hour picking up all the pieces parts of my bike and loading them in to a pickup.

    Do not let fear take charge of your life and destroy something that you love to do.

  7. Welcome

    Not going to pull a BIG-ERN and try to recruit anyone.... :p.

    Manup Have some fun and stir the pot :thefinger: Next to guns Harleys are the thing theses guys like to talk the most about. :lol:

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