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Posts posted by HeavyDuty

  1. Have you ever thought that the government might really want its citizens to own guns? The US military stationed in the states is relatively small to really protect the country you would need a well armed civilian force. Think about this. What would happen if another country tried to invade ours there would be a rifle barrel sticking out almost every window? Now our government could not come right out and tell everyone to go out and buy a fire arm the liberals would start to cry and file all kinds of lawsuits. So they need a curtain percentage of the citizens to own guns what better way to get everyone to run out and buy a gun than to come out and say you want to band them. Sales of guns and ammunition go way up once the percentage of gun owners hit the percentage they want the gun band talks just fade away with not much if nothing ever happening. Over the years I have noticed trends like this happening when firearm and ammunition sales start to really drop off or when the government is starting to reduce the number of US military forces Like what’s going on right now.. I think this also sends a message out to other countries. Yes we are cutting back our military but don’t mess with us because every one of our citizens owns 10 guns. Yes I’m bored and on my 6th shot of Jager :D

    • Upvote 1
  2. Rumor has it that since the retirement of Willy G from Harley Davison designs. Some of the younger design engineers have come up with a new long stroke water cooled V-4 engine that is in the neighborhood of 250 to 350hp Depending on performance options that supposedly has a huge amount of torque. It is to be put into a newly designed V Rod Road racer. If it gets approved it won’t take long for this engine to start showing up in their other bikes. I wonder what the hardcore Harley purest will think of this move if it comes to pass. I have been hearing this BS for a while now. Sounds like they are looking at getting in to the sport bike market. I think it may be a bike that is way over priced for the age group it will be targeting.

  3. If Virginia and Ohio have interlinked systems when it comes time to renew your registration Virginia will not renew it until you pay the ticket then you will need to go to the county court house and pay it in person to get a release. If they do not have that agreement it will just show on your credit report in about a year. If it was a speeding ticket they would also issue a warrant for you arrest. These agreements change almost every year so at the very least it will only show up on your credit report.

  4. Last I was aware those were and still are illegal to possess unless "authorized"

    They are illegal to use not own. But you have to make the decision what is more important your life or someone talking on the phone. Besides how are you going to get caught?

    You can buy a good one online for less than $150.00 I have one I bought for use on my bike while riding but it did not work out as well as planned. It jammed all the phones out to over 100 yards great but women when crazy and started to weave all over the road and paid less attention to where they are going trying to find out why their phone stopped working. Had one almost run off the road in to a ditch.

    • Upvote 2
  5. once they find the person that did this the punishment shouldnt be death

    it should be every single participant, spectator and family member of anyone involved in the Marathon should get to stone the asshole

    I would like to take about 100 M80s and duck tape them to the chicken shit and then set them off 1 at a time and at the end if they were still alive bury them in salt.

    The problem is Americans are to PC to do what is needed to stop this shit from happening

    It may be time to start carrying a cell phone jammer when out at public events for protection most of these types of bombs are set off using cell phones and a good jammer will block all cell phone signals within 300 feet of you and stop and explosion while you are in the area.

  6. I think we should be able to turn left on red lights, because bikes don't trigger them 50% of the time! get that law passed please.

    Always stop your bike on top of one of the trigger wires that runs parallel to your bike that should solve your problem some times when you stop between them your bike doesn’t have enough mass to trigger the light. It has never been a problem on the Harley.

  7. Sweet, I found it!

    I use to do the same thing back in the 70s on my KZ1000. But I was a lot smarter back then and knew everything.

    I do not have a problem lane splitting thru stopped traffic but I think you’re asking for trouble if it’s moving even at 15mph I have had friends knocked over by a car changing lanes and then get run over by the car on the other side of them all at under 20mph was not a happy ending. I have been riding for over 45 years and have seen a lot and had some bad shit happen to me I still like to push the limits but there is a time and place for it in a traffic jam with P.O. cagers all around you is not one of them.

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