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Everything posted by HeavyDuty

  1. Looks like they are the only smart ones here that can spot a challanging woman when they see one. Sorry guys I’m too old to be a sniffer.
  2. Here is some real retro bought it new in 76 still looks new and its not stock.
  3. It happens on every forum! I have been on this forum less than a month and have already had 2 posts disappear. Some are just worse than others. I still have not figured out the rule about doing bodily harm that this forum has I guess I’m just not that computer savvy LOL
  4. <iframe width="853" height="480" src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/ayxDMCAYaSE" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>
  5. Sorry all my cars and trucks are only as smart as the driver
  6. While on by bike I had a asshat in a big truck cut me off the other day on purpose and then laugh I just braked hard and fell in behind him. About a mile up the road we came to a red light he was going straight thru the light I was making a right turn so I stopped at his rear tires. I could see him watching me in his mirror I reached in to my pocket and pulled out a big handful of air and pretended to throw it under his rear wheels I did it 3 times just as the light turn green I gave him a big wave and took off and made the turn I could see him run around the truck and check his rear wheels I could not stop laughing my ass off the rest of the way home.
  7. Just log on to the stores web site at 12;01 am and buy what you want on line why wait in line IF you need tools Lowes will have some great deals
  8. Some of them Harley rider get all the hot ones LOL
  9. +1^^^^ learn to do figure 8s in side of 2 parking spaces also practice stopping pick 2 lines and try to stop between them at different speeds you need to learn to stop your bike in the shortest distance possible without it sliding out from under you. Practice until you can do it without thinking.
  10. LOL hell then my Rice Grinder is older then you I may be and old foggy but I still can give a lot of the you youngons a run on the twisties. Been riding close to 45 years and have been down hard 2 times and a few close calls. One time on I90 out in Elyria near Midway Mall a delivery truck carrying 4 X8 sheets of drywall had 10 sheets of blown off the truck and landed standing strait up in front of me I hit 3 of them at over 60mph glad I had my helmet on or it would of knock me off the bike only damage was a broken mirror. Everything looked like we landed in a vat of flour.
  11. Thanks everyone glad to see some ladies on here almost nothing better than a beautiful woman on a bike. Warning I have a warp sense of humor I hope I don’t offend too many of you it’s all in fun and winter is coming.
  12. And I thought I was slow on that road LOL
  13. Old Man and Two Nymphomaniacs So this older guy goes to the doctor asking for a prescription for 'Viagra'. The guy asks for a large dose of the *strongest* variety. The doctor asks why he needs so much. The guy says that two young nymphomaniacs are spending a week at his place. The doctor fills the prescription. Later that week, the same guy goes back to the doctor asking for pain killers. The doctor asks 'why, is your dick in that much pain?', 'no', says the guy, 'it's for my wrists - the girls never showed up!'
  14. Sorry New to this site did not know the PM went wont let me pm again for 2 hours I ride up until they salt the roads then im done hopfuly we can get a ride in.
  15. I.P. I live in Ravenna also we will have to get together for a ride before the snow flies I would like to head down to 536 one more time this year
  16. How would you pick it up if it fell over? Not that any of us expert bikers would ever drop it. LOL:banana:
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