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Everything posted by bshultz0930

  1. stopped at burger king for lunch, out the kick stand down, but not all the way. went to set the bike down it kicked over and scraed my right leg the whole way down. broke my coolant overflow, but not enough to lose it all. picked it up and took off.. to ashamed to even remove my helmet and go get my food.
  2. madcat, just curious, you ever heard of a gentlemen named bill osborne?
  3. The "ethical" hacker? Maybe he could give me a pointer or two. Haha.
  4. I live in grafton, work in Westlake, so what's ever easiest for you guys
  5. The hours for these tickets are from 530 to 11 on friday
  6. what he said... my mind has been blown.
  7. clock out. follow the kid down the street. break it AGAIN! and geez, its a broken nose, tell the punk ass to man up, put it straight, and move on.
  8. AGAIN i will stress this! my tickets are for FRIDAY! i know the date says the 23rd, but because these are dealer tickets we get special treatment and go on friday, the 22nd. http://clevelandautoshow.com/
  9. welcome man! there's quite a few cruiser guys here, but a lot of them like to stay silent till they're "called upon" for advice and etc.
  10. im seriously going to start counting the columbus guys now.. welcome!
  11. i dated a 37 year old tattoo artist that had bigger muscles then i from newark when i was 20.. that was the best sex of my eeeeerrrrrrrrrrrrr.... welcome!
  12. dammit! another columbus d00d! you guys are over whelming! anyway my rants done, welcome aboard!!
  13. yep, youll fit in just great! welcome d00d!
  14. yea, they need replaced.. when i pulled off the dust seals one of the lock rings that holds the seal down rubbed a hole through part of the seal. i already have the seals and fluid. nice thinking of PVC pipe, didnt think about that, a lot cheaper then a $50 installer too.
  15. i currently have 5 dealership appreciation tickets for this friday to the car show.. i may be able to get a lot more.. anyone interested? only catch.. admittance is one non-perishable good with the ticket.
  16. Anyone have a 46mm fork seal installer? Or know a good way to get the fork seals in without damaging them? Ill rent or buy it off you
  17. BAHAHAHAHAHAHAA! ive never laughed harder then that at anything else on the web. thank you for that, i needed that!
  18. THIS! Riding a sport bike, with people that KNOW how to ride and use the bike as intended is way different then just riding around.. when i first purchased my sport bike, for awhile i was content on just rolling around because i came off a cruiser and sport bikes are WAY faster.. then i learned to ride the bike like it was intended. needless to say just rolling around is pretty boring.. i tend to go out of my way when riding to work or the store or what not to hit a twisty here and there. nothing better then riding the twisties. BUT - on a side not, i do enjoy the way SOME of the stretched bikes look. given that most of the ones i see are for just show. and keep in mind once you stretch it, without doing blocks, your bike will never ride the way you knew it to. no more twisty fun, just cruising.
  19. bshultz0930

    walking dead

    I cant freakin waitttttt!!!!
  20. Well the ground hog didn't see his shadow.. So by old folklore we are supposed to have an early spring.. But this is Ohio too..
  21. it sounds like belts.. generally in the cold its harder for things to move, especially rubber. if your heated seats were on before the car is started your putting a large load on the alternator and the belt may be slipping around the alternator pulley. i would check them once you drive home from work.. make sure they're nice and warm.
  22. everytime i go to the grocery store, or super walmart and i see people paying with food stamps that have kids with them, i buy their groceries. my wife and i were there before and we actually needed the help, we werent using the system. so i try and help people when i can. my father always raised me to hold doors, and say my please and thank you. i honestly get shocked when i hear people being surprised by a simple thank you response. thats a shame.
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