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Everything posted by smccrory

  1. Doesn't the darkness mainly come from hose degradation?
  2. I'm not - you skipped the point that helmet shells are fitted with variously sized inner foam, and that demonstrates that a few millimeters have negligible effect on helmet safety ratings. Otherwise, every fiberglass shell would be a different size, and they're not. If you want to argue with anyone about it, talk to the DOT and SNELL ratings people, not me. Perhaps they would better appreciate your helmet safety credentials. PS. Correctly fitted cheek foam minimizes posterior helmet rotation in an impact.
  3. Then by all means do so. In the meanwhile, Craig and I will maintain that 1-2mm of foam compression in strategic places will both vastly improve Bob's comfort with the $150 helmet he already owns while maintaining all the safety it was originally designed for. We're not recommending that he scoop out 1/2" the shell to make room for a bulging tumor that talks to him. There are only a couple fiberglass shell sizes in the HJC helmets. The rest of the sizes are accommodated by thicker - AND THINNER - foam inserts. In fact, HJC sells replacement chin/cheek foam for people with sculpted jaws for a more fitted feel. 1-2mm or compression is no big deal, and another $150 for a different helmet seems unnecessary when a spoon and 30 minutes will do the trick.
  4. +1. Made a huge difference for a riding buddy last year who had been suffering from bad headaches in her CL-16 after 30 minutes. Once done, she was good for all day.
  5. I sincerely appreciate it Ben, but I want to play some more things out at HNB before I broaden my gaze again. ;-) Good luck with recruiting - sounds like a great opportunity!
  6. Funny, Amazon themselves hit me up this week for a job. My sysadmin skills got rusty once I moved into enterprise architecture, so I'll recuse myself, but I will confess some envy to those who get to play directly with AWS and the cool new DevOps tools.
  7. Finally, I did a quick informal review in case anyone is interested:
  8. I wonder if any conspiracists have concluded it was the Clintons who killed Biden's son, to cause Joe to grieve enough to stay out of the race? [emoji57]
  9. That's weird and probably not accurate. A good friend of mine in her mid 40s got a bronze-quality policy for $86/mo based on $13/hr. Anyone should be able to get insurance on the exchange - it's just a matter of how much subsidy you'll receive against the premiums.
  10. http://bigstory.ap.org/urn:publicid:ap.org:d0ec001e7cba41e3bd82eb0df4c5cffc Unacceptable. Trump shall not be rebuked until he's gone full retard, and he's just getting started! Please don't cheat the American Public of this free entertainment!
  11. It's funny watching the outpouring of support on the owner's Facebook page. Some folks have even set up unauthorized GoFundMe accounts but the owners are saying don't donate until they take stock in what they want to do.
  12. Got it. Yea, you don't have to convince me that our medical system is sub-par. I want to vomit a little, every time a rich politician or industry giant suggests ours is the best - they have a vastly different stratum of care than what's available to the rest of us. I could go on for hours on that angle alone, especially since it's smacking me dead-on trying to get some spine issues resolved. Let's just say that Europe's care is far superior to ours, at least as it relates to spinal issues.
  13. If Cuba would have been less asymmetrical about their wealth distribution and their overall poverty levels, I'd be happy to hear more about their economic models.
  14. FYI I bought the Atlas and used it extensively last weekend. I like it! Very light, doesn't restrict my movement in normal use on the road or choppy dirt trails, but looks like it would keep my neck from bending wildly if I hit the ground. Definitely worth the roughly $250 I paid for some peace of mind.
  15. The motorcycle builder or the musician? "Builder" Jesse comes off to me as an overgrown, terminally angsty teen boi. Forever misunderstood and under-appreciated, yet unable to break free of a fundamental need for approval and admiration. The guy needs to take his personal wealth (if he hasn't spent it all), dive into his garage and go all monk-and-shit until he's metalurgically transmuted himself from a pile of poo into a kind, skilled and self-aware hermit on the hill. He sort of looked like he was trending in that direction for a while and then got hooked up with Kat Von D and her cyclone of L.A. fame pursuit.
  16. Here's an actually decent idea from the leading GOP candidate: http://www.nbcnews.com/politics/2016-election/trump-cnn-give-debate-revenue-vets-n424186
  17. I'm trying to figure out which part Obama and Bush had to do with it. I'm certain it was something worth rallying over.
  18. Agreed with both points. I can't find a single example where pure socialism has worked without horrid side effects. Same with pure capitalism. I think we need to go back to the philosophical well and stop thinking in terms of exclusivity. Yea, I know, good luck with that.
  19. I'm glad I not the only one who flirts with that notion.
  20. I couldn't agree more, other than to fault you for not being sufficiently strong with your terms. I would kindly suggest that "revolting," "horrible people," "chronic liars," "sycophants," and "pariahs" to be more descriptive of just about every one of them on both sides of the isle. I keep hoping even one candidate reveals a fundamentally good character, but I'm disappointed every step of the way. I've had the opportunity to be around mega millionaires in my life and in fairness, some of them were decent people (a couple even authentically great). But once you get to that level, self-interest isn't your primary goal - its parity, even dominance over those in your high-net-worth bracket. What drives those 1%ers is a combination of fame, redemption, power to influence, the ability to leave a lasting legacy and congeal the high opinion they have of themselves as they climbed the ladder to their reining pole positions.
  21. Ugh, you're probably be right. And it'll be on the reality TV series. And who knows, maybe the Jesse James (both of them) will guest-star and the OCC Teutels too... I can hardly wait... [emoji21][emoji21][emoji21]
  22. How ever will all those lovely girls work their ways through college now?
  23. Looks like a perfect pick for a project. Good bike, parts are plentiful, straightforward to work on and you bought it cheap...!
  24. Which plan(s) have you been happy with?
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