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Everything posted by smccrory

  1. smccrory

    Windows 10

    That'll mean no W10 in my workplace until they do.
  2. I musta gotten sand in it from OR...
  3. I'm afraid I'm out this year due to cervical disc issues that are preventing me from predicting when I will and won't feel like crap. Be safe and protect those riders!
  4. Do you think you'll run the camera for 8 hours??? If so, let me know what your YouTube channel is so I can avoid it like the plague.
  5. Good thing you didn't get a newer one... http://www.motorcycle-usa.com/2015/07/article/honda-recalls-45153-motorcycles/
  6. True story. Though some of them like Everide's are really, really good. There's something about that guy's attitude that speaks to me.
  7. It certainly will simplify blogger equipment, and will add another option for the rest of us who might want to record some of the fun commentary on group rides while we're shooting video.
  8. If it were me, I'd wait until I had at LEAST $3k saved up, but more likely $3.5-4k to get a reliable, comfortable, well-equipped sport-touring setup instead of trying to bottom-feed during seller's-peak season. "Sport" means to me that your buddy wants to get jiggity into the turns, which says you must have good bearings and tires. "Adventure" means to me that you want some off-pavement riding, and that takes longer suspension travel and most of those bikes (I have a couple) cost more than $2k if they're worth putting your life on 'em. "Touring" means to me that you want to travel longer distances, which to me strongly suggests reliability and fresh maintenance.
  9. Maybe in the form of tax abatements or faster issuance of building permits, but less taxation and regulation is better, right?
  10. Lovely. I guess we should have expected that. I'm sure it's simply for our beneficent protection...
  11. I suppose one could see Acorn/Obama/New World Order conspiracy behind that corner but I don't think this is what you think it is. Companies regularly provide discounted or free services to selected customers for a variety of reasons. I work for an employer, for example, that manages some small business loans provided to low-credit small businesses. We don't make ANY money on them, and in fact we lose money on the booking and reporting of those loans, but we do it for positive community service publicity that you can't otherwise pay a marking firm for. Who ultimately pays for that community benefit? I suppose you could say a penny comes from each employee, another penny from each shareholder and a penny from management, which adds a penny to the cost of other financial good and services, but we do it because we think there's greater financial value on the back side. More-so with the Google deal, imagine that they'll not only gain positive local community service publicity, but they'll also get potential customers for their many other (for-fee) products and services, as well as secondary ad revenue and market insight. It's not taxation any more than a CEO's bonus or a new data center or brighter product labeling is a tax on you as a customer.
  12. Why aren't you interested in a Fredericktown time share? I hear it's as lovely as Westerville this time of year.
  13. Paypal. Cool, that was easy.
  14. True story. Then you recoup for a bit and fill it back up again... :-D
  15. Has anyone ever bought a safe or cabinet they thought 6 months later was too big?
  16. That's a fair point and I was thinking the same. I'll send a donation. I already give to Columbus Dog Connection, Delaware County and Cat Welfare (though I wish they'd get a damned job), but I'll stretch a bit more.
  17. IM me if the fees cause a good adopter to balk. I'll throw $25 into the kettle to get this dog adopted into a good home if that helps.
  18. smccrory

    Ear Plugs

    ^This. It's a great way to go. 1 year later and I'm almost at the end of my assortment pack and will be ordering a few sets of the ones I liked the most.
  19. Those look like the 2009 site and prices.
  20. Too pricey for me, and I'm not shopping for a swap meet project this year. I'm out.
  21. Sorry to hear Sam. Bummer. At least minor stuff all things considered.
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