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Everything posted by Hahn

  1. Checked all the vacume lines and all are good. others have suggested it could be the idle air control valve. ill check this and hopefully if it is that it just needs cleaned and not replaced. thanks for the help everyone.
  2. Trying to see if its something i can do myself beore taking it back. How do i fix this or can i?
  3. Hahn

    Corvette MPG's

    Please keep a tab of how many Coolcoins you owe me. Ill be expecting them when we meet.
  4. Hahn

    Corvette MPG's

    Thats cool, but its still a family sedan. Plus, i end up paying waaaaaay less for my car and all the extras anyways. Obviously if i had the money i would get something else. Story of my life right.
  5. Hahn

    Corvette MPG's

    OUCH. Your right though, i did spend more on this car than its worth, but whats the better choice- buy a beater, or fix the DD car for the same price? And i beg to differ that a camry would own me, if so then i would ride a huffy from now on out. lol. PS-where do i pick up my cool coins? :asshole:
  6. Where is the IAC valve? and im trying to see if its something i can fix before taking it back to the shop.
  7. Got my car back from the shop a few days ago. It now has a new JDM engine in it and drives good, but the idle is off. It jumps up to 2k rpm's and sometimes bounces a little bit up in that range. I already found 1 vacume line that wasnt connected and that fixed it at first but now its doing it again. So what could cause this and is it doing damage if i keep driving it with the idle that high? Thanks alot for any info/help.
  8. I think being tied up by a pyscho w/a stun gun and multiple other guns is more than enough. You sir, are an idiot.
  9. good call, havnt thought about checking that.
  10. Ill have to check the tranny fluid when she gets home. i would hope the idler isnt broke cuz the car is still realy new. only 30k miles. thanks for the tips though.
  11. No she wouldnt lie, and yes it is realy making a sort of grinding noise, drove it myself. So from what i could see there was nothing up under the car so i dont know.
  12. My fiancee drives an 05 Saturn L300 w/auto trans. She tells me that out of no where, her car starts making almost a grinding noise when the car is in reverse only. From what i can see there is nothing under the car physically obstructing anything so im clueless. She says she hasnt hit anything or ran anything over and it only started the night that we had that huge thunderstorm. Any info/clues to what could be wrong is appreciated. Thanks.
  13. agreed, it was close, but when its that close to the end of a perfect game, you always give the call to the pitcher.
  14. i saw the 2 news crews at the shop at the corner of rt 3 and some st. i figured it was either a lotto winner or a robbery.
  15. i could realy care a less if sprint is barely hanging on, as long as i keep getting my rates and kick ass phones, im a happy customer. btw i just heard that the 4g coverage will be spreading rapidly before the year is over.
  16. yea i heard about that, its kinda bogus since we dont even have the "4g" coverage here yet but owell. its still gonna be bad ass. and sprint is still in service because there just as good as anyone else and cheaper.
  17. nah they got it but only in select cities since its new. Cbus might not see it for another yr or so. but the phone itself is pretty baller. :bangbang:
  18. Just pre ordered the HTC Evo from Sprint. Its the worlds first 4g phone and its android powered. only problem is most cities including Cbus dont have 4g coverage yet. still bad ass though. http://now.sprint.com/evo/
  19. try Andysautosport.com
  20. sorry but i couldnt pass up on the opportunity. im just glad somebody caught it lol. and i cant believe they actually sell it. might have to get some.
  21. Its a smaller replica of the real deal in DC. Its up in Westerville at the park on the corner of Cleveland and County Line. If you get the chance to go see it then please do. Its well worth a look especially if you havnt been able to make it out to the real one. And make sure to tell a Veteran thank you tomorrow. Happy Memorial Day.
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