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Everything posted by Hahn

  1. I just kind of stumbled upon the idea of buying a boat and ran into a head ache. I have an idea of what i want to do with the boat but dont know what to look at. I want to use it for entertainment with fam/friends, water sports and some fishing. I have the idea of pontoons, cuddy cabins, deck boats and open hull. Are these along the right path for what im looking for and is there any others that could serve this purpose. I want it to hold at least 4ppl with more being better. Also would prefer to find something under $7500, cheaper being better. Also ran into the problem of storage as i only have a one car garage which im sure cant hold a boat. I might be getting ahead of myself but oh well, i have nothing better to do with my time. Thanks in advance for any advice fellas.
  2. Hahn

    What to buy????

    seems like your paying for the looks with the shotty, the FN is way overpriced and looks ridiculous IMO, and the 1911 looks goofy that long. deff would go with the M&P15. theres so much you can do with an AR. two cents in.
  3. Hahn

    Workout Supplements

    Agreed, i decided this past week that im not going to bother with anything more than a one a day multivitamin.
  4. USAA doesnt require you to be in the service to have a bank account? Well now im not going to feel special.............
  5. Been with chase for 5 or 6 years now. No real problems that i can think of. Tons of branches around and theres an ATM in every Speeway which are everywhere as well. Been thinking of switching to USAA though, just dont know how i feel about not having a branch to go to.
  6. Hahn

    Workout Supplements

    Been eating healthy all week and i could deff feel it at the gym tonight. Just felt like i could go bigger on everything. Then i had to play medic when a civilain passed out. Ruined the rest of the workout after that lol.
  7. Hahn

    CR Softball

    Im down for Fall Ball when i get back.
  8. Hahn

    Workout Supplements

    Thanks Mojoe. This week has been a pretty good starting week. Just need to up the cardio but thats hard to do with all the snow/ice and sports getting nixed by higher. If i tighten up my diet a little bit more i should be golden and start to see some results quickly. No PT test here yet, but thats ok since i havent ran 2 miles since October.
  9. Hahn

    Workout Supplements

    Well, i think ive actually decided not to go with a pre workout or creatine. The long term perks just dont seem to be there. I want something i can stay consistant with. That and im not trying to become a body builder, just get healthy again. Anyways, thanks for the input. Looks like ill stick with my protein, fish oil and multi vitamin along with a healthier diet.
  10. Yes under $400 isnt bad, but the one in question was $619 on sale. I got my M&P9c for $400 with military discount. Its like $550ish without so still cheaper. But to each their own in preference.
  11. Not realy a fan of the show. Saw the first season and not much since. Seems like all they did was some stupid competition with old ass un appealing cars that nobody cares about. Start doing some testing/reviews on new bad ass cars, then ill watch.
  12. Plan on getting into the sport when i get back in Aug/Sep. Cant wait to get out and have some fun. Goals: See how much i can ride after i get back and before it gets too cold.
  13. In 08 i came out of HS and BCT/AIT weight about 185. Once i returned home i started working as an EMT in Private EMS (tater toting). My job which involved alot of sitting in an ambulance ALL day plus picking up fast food for lunch constantly, made me jump to 257 at my highest in Winter 2010/2011. Since then i mobilized in August and have been in Afghan for the past few months. Im now at 220bls with a goal of 190-205. I want to get lean again with still some build. Bench 225-250, Squat 405+ and DL 405+. And get my 2 mile run back down to 13s hopefully. Just started getting serious with the gym/lifting this past week but cardio is on hold because we now cant play basketball or any other sports because one of our guys broke his ankle, and its too icey/snowey outside to run right now. (i dont do tread mills). Sorry for the book, but thats my story.
  14. Like everyone else said, go and look at some gun, hold them to see what feels best to YOU, go shoot a few different guns and see if what feels best to YOU, shoots best for YOU. Then do some research to find out if theres any pros and cons you missed, then Purchase. For your price range you have plenty of options. But like i said, YOU have to carry it, so it has to be comfortable for YOU and shoot well for YOU. Good luck and let us know what you pick up.
  15. Hahn

    Kel Tech KSG 12

    $1000=too pricey. $600=much better. But still not sure if i would buy. Pretty BA it hold 14+1 but its almost too trendy/futuristic looking for me.
  16. I dont know much about Kahr's, but it is a very good looking gun. Seems pricey though.
  17. Hahn

    Workout Supplements

    Very good read. Now i think i will be buying some creatine very soon. Thanks again for all the input fellas.
  18. Hahn


    Figured. Just seems to be you personal opinnion but most of us agree that leaving them fully loaded doesnt hurt. Thanks fellas.
  19. Hahn

    Workout Supplements

    Seems a little harsh
  20. Hahn

    Workout Supplements

    I deff dont want to be taking this much stuff. But i do have the MP protien and like it. Tried some fat burner a while back, i think it was D4 maybe C4. It wasnt for me though. Basically, should i be on a pre workout or is that just a waste of money? Is there any gains from it other than getting you pumped for the gym? I dont really have a problem with going so i feel like its not that important to me. And is creatine worth the $$. This has brought up mixed feelings between comments.
  21. Hahn


    This just confirmed what i thought already. Thanks for the comments.
  22. Hahn

    Workout Supplements

    So whats everyones oppinions on a pre workout and creatine? I have tried a couple diff pre workouts and felt nothing with them like others say they feel. Im told Jack3d is suposed to be good stuff. Is it worth it. And what about creatine. I know nothing about creatine, is it a must have?
  23. Hahn

    Workout Supplements

    I forgot to mention that im also trying to watch what i eat. Not necesarily dieting, just eating healthier. But i want to drop weight and get lean again, not just skinny. So muscle building is needed along with the weight loss. And yes i know muscle weighs more than fat, but 220lbs of muscle is alot more time in the gym than im commited to.
  24. I 6' 220lbs and want to get to about 200lbs maybe as low as 190ish. I workout 3 days a week but might be bumping up the gym time. My question is, what supplements should i be taking? Right now i take Protein after workouts, a Fish oil and a multi vitamin. I dont want to get ridiculous and be taking 20 diff supplements but i want to know what is a must have to attain the goals. Pre workout, creatine, etc? Thanks fellas. -Hahn.
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