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Posts posted by Connie14

  1. Long freeway rides and off-road riding is pretty much mutually exclusive.  Keep the xsr for on road and freeway riding.  Get a true dualsport for off-road and camping.  DRZs haven't been previously mentioned, but they are easy to find used.  They are also very reliable.

  2. 3 hours ago, Wojo72 said:


     I was the one who talked to you right after your ride.  I had no idea that you were one of the OR peeps.  I rode the same bike right after you.  They need to take some slack out of the throttle cable.  There was a dead zone and then the power would come on.  I didn't have any issues keeping the front tire down but I didn't whiskey throttle past the dead spot.    :lol:   I'm Just busting your chops.   

    I wanted to see if they updated the fueling.  It was much better down low at parking lot speeds but it had some RPM jitter at 4500 rpm under light loads that mine doesn't have.   I think that a power commander or ECU reflash is next for me. 


    I felt bad that I put them in an awkward position,  but I wasn't hot dogging it.   I had complete control of the bike the entire time.  As soon as it started power wheeling,  I eased off the throttle.

     I have considering an FZ10 for a little while,  but I hadn't ridden a naked bike before today.  After today,  I am even more interested in a naked liter bike. I was concerned with the wind on a naked bike,  but it wasn't bad.   I just want cruise control, so the FZ10 is looking interesting.

  3. 19 hours ago, 2talltim said:

    So my wife and I have lost a lot of weight and today she does facebook post about her\our progress. As one would expect there was a lot of comments telling her "congrats" and some that say "i wish I could loose some weight" So i was just scrolling though FB and noticed at least 2 of these people aying they wish they could loose weight are liking and or sharing pictures or videos with very fatty high carb\calorie recipes. One of them saying they were going to make one of these for dinner tis week. I just don't understand people that don't want to help themselves.

    Obviously posting this here to save them from getting butt hurt on FB.

    My wife and I gained some weight, so we signed up for the Columbus Marathon.  We are running the half marathon for the sole purpose of pushing us to get our weight back to where it was.  I am also cutting back on IPAs and other high calorie beers (delicious micro brews) until I get back to my goal weight.  It sucked at first, but now we are getting in the groove.  I often hear people say the same thing "I wish I could do that".  

  4. :welcomeor:

    Doing 1000 miles in Ohio and documenting the route with no short cuts will be one heck of an accomplishment.   Why not ride to Deal's Gap and back?  There would be no corners to cut, so documentation would be easier.  You would also treat yourself to a nice ride right in the middle of the 1000 mile day.  Just a thought. 

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  5. 46 minutes ago, JustinNck1 said:

    Just made it to the hotel. 450 miles, made it to Massachusetts, Connecticut, New Jersey. That's it for our newly states visited. A little bit of rain, nothing we couldn't handle. PA sucks for finding beer. I had to ride over to the golf course next door and buy some since gas stations can't sell any. Pizza ordered. Another longer day tomorrow to get home. 

    Where's the nearest liquor store? 

    You two have hit almost all of the states  east of the Mississippi in the last month and a half.

  6. 7 hours ago, thompsonian said:

    Earlier this year, I bought a new Neotec and Sena 10U from @RidersDiscount. And let me just state for the record, that Mike has gone ABOVE AND BEYOND what any would expect from a company. Thanks for everything you've done good sir. It's not your fault these guys are asshats...

    ANYWHO...get the unit installed and charged and immediately out of the box, the remote doesn't work. Doesn't hold a charge, doesn't do jack squat. Contact Mike, he says to contact Sena as that's what they want. Takes a few days for them to respond, and do the usual drivel of reset it, do what the manual says, yadda yadda yadda. So I finally get the RMA to send the remote back in for replacement under warranty. I end up having to harrass them for when it will be sent back as this was right at the time @JustinNck1 and I were heading down to Maggie Valley. Eventually they managed to get the remote to me the day before we left. And thankfully, this one worked as it should. 

    Now let me also add that during this time I've been using the 10U without the remote. I'd only been getting at the most 6 hours of time before the battery shuts down. Now I know that is crap since lots of others have been getting double that easily. It gets to the point that while on our trip we have to pull off, plug it into a battery pack to charge for a bit, then unplug it to resume use. It gets old really fast.

    So, when we get back, I make contact again with my displeasure of the terrible battery life stating how others are getting MUCH better results than I am. I get the run around of try a reset, maybe a wire is pinched, a real line of BS basically. Kept in contact with Mike, to where he made some phone calls himself and finally got it to where they will do another RMA for the entire unit. Again, this is not something that he had to do, but willingly did it of his own accord. He has my business for life now.

    Get an email on 28th of June FINALLY saying a replacement will be shipped but gave no tracking info or anything. I wait. Emailed them yesterday stating I was curious as to when this will ship out since there was no tracking info attached. Get told that the 10U is now on backorder and they have no idea when it will ship. I'm getting pretty pissed. You pay good money for a product, hoping that it will work great like all the others do. Get maybe a couple months of use out of it and it is a total turd. Company is a pain in the ass to deal with. So if anyone else has to do a return with Sena for any reason..be prepared. 

    I just sent my 10U back for the 2nd time.  It is the biggest piece of shit that I have ever purchased.  I offered to pay to switch it to the 20s, but they have refused.  I may be purchasing another unit, so I can have something reliable (especially if mine is also stuck on back order).

    Sena's customer service is horrible.   Like you, I purchased mine from Mike.  Maybe, I should have asked him to help switch my units. 


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