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Posts posted by Connie14

  1. 23 hours ago, snot said:

    I say all boys should have a vasectomy at 15 (or when they decide to have sex) and if they want kids have it reversed... Best birth control. Threaten to cut a teenage boys nut sac and they will think twice about sex.....

    ......I am just joking...


    I agree with this post, but I am the father of 3 daughters. 

    If it's when boys decide to have sex, then it should be 12. (Unless they are into Pokeman.)


    • Upvote 1
  2. Every time that I receive a notice for a new posting in this thread, the same thoughts always enter my mind:

    The debate on paying their fair share takes attention from the fact the the federal government has grown significantly faster than the rate of inflation.  

    The government will never have enough money.  They will continue to spend ever increasing amounts with impunity. (See every socialist nation in the history if the world).

    The national debt has nearly doubled under the current administration, and the costs to service the debt will increase significantly in the future. (Not happy with republicans on this issue either).

    The government cannot create wealth without taking from somebody else first.

    Rant over.

    • Upvote 2
  3. 5 hours ago, Wojo72 said:

    I'm pissed at myself.  Found a screaming deal on a Sena but hesitated due to some typical homeowner drama over the weekend and missed the sale.

    Sena bluetooth systems are great.  PM Mike at Rider's Discount,  and he can probably set you up with a nice deal.  That's where I got mine. 

  4. 9 hours ago, o-no-moto said:

    The more i ride the sport bike the more i want a sport touring . Anyone want to trade?

    There will be good deals to be had in the coming months for motorcycles.   As the saying goes "buy low and sell high".  Buy a sport tourer sometime between now and winter.   Then sell the sport bike in the spring.   You will get more for your bike then.   People will have tax refund checks, and they desire for a motorcycle seems to be at its peak. 

    Happy hunting. 

    • Upvote 1
  5. 7 hours ago, Tonik said:

    Don't have to travel between hotels as a group. Fast people can lead themselves. Anyone wants to go solo for the day can do that too. No different than having a single sleeping point.

    I hauled 7 bikes plus myself for 3000 miles. Zero issues, other than @Connie14 pouring beer all over me. If the riders are similar riders its easy. If not they lead themselves.

    With your recent banning spree, I could probably get paid to pour a beer on you.

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  6. HD's point may be that it is far more efficient to mitigate 93% of the problem rather than taking the politically polarizing route of attacking 7%of the problem.

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