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Posts posted by Cordell

  1. I've had quads in the past and had a blast. However they will beat you up, the only reason I don't still have one is how bad is hurts when I'm done riding. Of course I could take it easy on one and I might be okay, but it's not fun for me to put around.


    Having a house now I think it would be smart of you to have a truck even if you don't keep the Ram you have now. If you sell the Supra, just keep your eyes open for something of interest. Don't rush into anything, but of course I like the C5.

  2. Straight from GM service information, "This DTC is for information only. As an aid to technician, this DTC indicates that another DTC exists that fails DRP". So if there are no other DTCs set, or setting when you drive it, then it's either a programming issue or the EBCM is crap.


    Edit: there's also a bulletin for the brake lamps stuck on can cause it.


    Edit edit: did you relearn the brake pedal position sensor after replacement?


    Let me know when you want me to bring my programming tools home and we'll sort it out.

  3. Well I doubt you have access to a torch or something that'll get those heated. That would be your best bet on getting them apart, otherwise you'll be cutting or breaking them. Are they studs or bolts? With studs a torch makes it easy to punch them out when they're broken too. Pretty difficult to be any kind of efficient when working on old exhaust without a firewrench. Of course having one doesn't guarantee it won't fight you anyway.


    In short, hopefully you can break those bolts off and knock the studs out.

  4. Auto makers are pushing for a global standard of 95 octane.




    Dan Nicholson, General Motors’ vice president of global propulsion systems, said making 95 octane the new regular aligns the U.S. with Europe and is one of the most affordable ways to boost fuel economy and lower greenhouse gas emissions....a 3 percent fuel economy improvement could be attained for less than a 3 percent increase in the cost of fuel.


    I found this interesting. Would play right into the hands of Mazda's high compression sparkplug-less engine they've been creating.


    To make gas cheaper could they/ would they add more ethanol? E85 is 100 I believe but also returns less MPG's. It's been a long time since chemistry, I don't even know if it is possible.


    Ethanol doesn't have the same energy content as gasoline, hence why you have to run a higher volume of it compared to gas. Running more ethanol to get there would probably be somewhere around E50-E60, and would cause current cars to run lean without retuning. I would imagine it would be similar to a race gasoline that has a similar amount of energy per mass, simply improving the mon/ron factor.




    Does anywhere in Columbus even sell 94 anymore? Way back in the day when I had my first DSM, I remember my friends and I had to go all the way to Sunoco on Morse and Karl to find 94. I don't recall anyone else ever even carrying that option.


    Nope, been gone for awhile. I remeber when they also had 86 at alot of their stations, that's long gone now.


    I think it'd be great if they could make this happen. Most small 4 cylinders GM is using now are developed in Europe and have a lot of knock related issues damaging pistons, this would be good for alot of people.

  5. QFT


    There should be a big turnout in New Carlisle, 415 N. Main St. tonight beginning at 9. The Columbus scene has been pretty sketchy over the winter, but the Springfield/Dayton/Marysville meets have been pretty regular and well-attended when the weather's decent.


    I have to work Saturday so I don't think I'll make it out there tonight, want to do dinner earlier?

  6. I has paid off, modded, old, Corvette. Come on Grant let me drag your paid off non-leased hooptie.


    My wheels don't touch my brakes but they rub my lower control arms, but it's cool they clearanced themselves about 5mm.


    Don't worry I know what I'm doing, I are mecanik.

  7. Ya like UFO, it was a shame when they lost their main venue (Wilmington airport). Their new lot sucks. But they're a good group of guys with a lot of fast people.


    Well UFO found another track with a decent surface to race on. It compares more to OVR losing Akerman and running on Trail's shitty parking lot.

  8. I went to an event at Upper Valley Mall last year with WOR (who also runs Kilkare), and that parking lot leaves alot to be desired. We had to adjust the course midway through the first runs because the pavement was coming apart if that tells you anything. So I wouldn't consider it a good place for race tires or high horsepower cars.
  9. Trails is south for about half of Columbus, so yea its south for a lot of us.


    Also are you the pot or the kettle in this online stupidity competition?


    Oh I'm sorry, is this Cleveland Racing? Trails is due east of Columbus, actually north of 70 which cuts Columbus in half.

  10. Then come on out with a fresh mind and you won't regret it.


    We're constantly riding with each other, talking car setup, mods, tires, ways to make each other faster. Then when the times come out, we lob turds to pass the time until the next event.


    Let go of all that old stuff and have an open mind.


    Well if I can get out of working Saturday I'll swing down, might have to wait until the next one though.

  11. Nope, I think you read that wrong. Considering I chatted with you in person most times I saw you at the track. And offered you real advice on this forum many times that I doubt you've considered. It's cool.


    Ok, I recall alot of people telling me what I was doing was stupid, and I don't recall feeling like I have been offered much real advice. I'll just accept that I read into your efforts in the wrong way. It's a shame because I would like to have friends who like autocrossing on a regular basis, maybe I'd get more out of it then standing around, chasing cones, and making a few runs.


    Just to clarify I haven't run with the MOPCA in 4-5 years, whenever they were trying to run events on their own. I did not enjoy them at all. I'm still holding a grudge towards them especially.

  12. Cordell are you saying you liked UFO until Aaron and I got into it or until we teamed up with Porsche club? I can read your statement both ways.




    All them cylinders and no tires :fa:


    I think you both know that we aren't friends, and quite honestly we have both turned a deaf ear to each other. I liked it better when it was a relaxed atmosphere where I didn't have to work and could spend time hanging out between runs. The Porsche club just makes it worse. Maybe it wouldn't be as bad with you guys but the 2 PCA events I've been to in the past were a disaster and I was running all over the place after cones because nobody was there while the organizers just stood there bullshitting instead of helping. After that I swore I'd never go back.



    I do enough autocrossing for me every season, just because you (Aaron) want to do it all the time doesn't mean there's anything wrong with me only going 5-6 times. I don't get much out of it. I'm not sure what it would take for me to enjoy it more.

  13. Coming full circle to what OP was talking about... Just go out there and have fun. People are going to be people and there is nothing you can do about it. If you enjoy the idea of Autocross then participate just like the rest of us... If you prefer to live your life 1 quarter mile at a time, then NTR is down south waiting for you. :)


    So you're the only one in here who apparently hasn't seen me autocross, I ran with WOR-SCCA a few times last year and I also hit up Corvette's of Troy, but I've had plenty going on so I didn't go as much as I would've liked. I liked the Kart track much better when I had a Miata, but tight little autocrosses are not overly fun in a Corvette. Honestly I miss Columbus Motor Speedway, so I did the next best thing and ran at Kilkare.


    If you read the title of this thread and noticed that I put it in the Kitchen, then you should realize that it was meant to stir shit. I do however find it funny how autocrossers are not nearly the gearheads that drag racers are. The majority of drag racers are much more into modding, and I tend to have more in common with those guys because I am an Automotive Technician by trade. The majority of autocrossers are enthusiasts, even the rules are catered toward stock and lightly modded cars. UFO felt more like drag racers until Miller and Aaron got into it, then CMS closed, then they teamed up with Porsche club (I have had crappy experiences with them both times I ran with them, and I don't like them at all), so I lost most interest in it all together.


    Trails isn't South for hardly anyone on this board either, has anyone ever told you how stupid you sound online?

  14. For the price I paid, Pauly...I wasn't going to be picky. Would've liked a stick but a modern 4-speed auto is fine #meh


    Finding a manual would've been a needle in a haystack. I sure haven't seen more then 2-3, and by the end of that body style they weren't even an option anymore.


    Nice beater Clay, there are many times I miss my beater S10s. So much good comes from having a truck like this.

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