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Posts posted by Cordell

  1. I dont do any racing these days minus the occasional light to light with a soccer mom in the mini van. Really need tp find some time to get out. Not motivated due to the barge i drive :lol:


    So you race people who don't know you're racing? If that's not about the most ricer shit.


    Tell your wife to loan you your balls and buy a cheap toy. :lolguy:

  2. :lolguy: :yuno:


    I would have to say its all about the time and effort of the transition from one to the other. Between the suspension changes, tunes, gear ratios, etc. Most guys just don't have the time to swap back and forth. Now with that said, the argument could be had for "find a middle ground tune/setup" but that would make it mediocre in both. While still fun, it wouldn't be "top dog". Then the next argument is why not just have two cars?


    Well a lot of people have more then one car, or their daily is something "fun" or whatever. Why do you think I have 2 cars? Just need to make the Camaro fast again.

  3. I mean call out some of these autocross Dickheads lol. NAME NAMES DAMNIT


    Well you and your Dad are cool, but I've never participated at an event where I felt less invited. I mean I'm just such a likable guy and all.


    and Miata people are the fucking worst, made me hate owning one. A lot of Corvette owners suck too, but it's not nearly as bad.

  4. So I'm sure this will end up in the kitchen anyway, so I'm just going to put my flame suit on and post some dumb shit.


    I've been thinking alot about some fun activities to occupy my free time and it all comes back to cars. I know that I need to pick something that is fun but also will have people there to be friendly with. I could never get enough street racing back 5-6 year ago, but most of the people I hung out with moved on and I lost my licence so I don't really do that anymore. Drag racing isn't as much fun for me as autocrossing, but the people are way nicer to be around.


    So my question is this, why are all you autocross fags such dickheads? and why won't any of you drag race guys come try autocrossing? alot of you drag race guys even have the cars that can autocross without issue.

  5. I like to drag race because I can afford it, but I'll go to any kind of racing to watch for sure.


    You could afford autocrossing too, they are very realistic options for anyone.


    The problem comes about when you're dumb enough to think you can do both, and you have to decide what to spend money on. Of course you could do both with the same stock vehicle, but what's the fun in that?

  6. Like doing or enjoy overall?


    Like I love Rally, grew up around it with Dad doing it and enjoy watching/following it now, but don't have the resources to do it myself yet.


    Autocross is what I do mostly myself, but want to get in to HPDE's when the Porsche is done.


    I was going for what you personally like to do. I've had a lot of fun doing all kinds of stuff, drag racing, street racing, and autocross, but I'd have to vote for road racing edging out drag racing. Both are a blast, and both are legal, which is why if this was discussed 5-6 years ago all I cared about was street racing.

  7. I thought Eman (Stoopid Hipster) went to Oklahoma or something to get schooled on being an ATC (Air Traffic Controller)? That's a high-stress fast-thinking job that starts around $100k/year...


    Yeah pretty sure that didn't work out.

  8. This is what I debated


    But you are basically married to it from what I've read and heard. Not a bad gig for a single guy or someone with a wife and young kids needing the cash bad. Just not for me and seems like similar BS to what most techs deal with now.




    Not dogging anyone who is recommending "parlaying" Scott's skills into something else, as I'm sure he appreciates the thought, but anything similar to wrenching on cars is likely just as bad if not worse. Not to mention most want out of this field due to the shitty working conditions as it relates to pay and the overall working environment. Switching fields doing the same work merely changes the scenery and doesn't address the underlying issue, one of the main ones being the better you get and more experienced you become, generally the more you get screwed.


    I.E. Scott may be the shops lead tech, so all the hard diag's go to him. Typically said diag pays 1-2 hours, so even if Scott is more than capable to diagnose this issue, knows the car and the brand well, and it takes him 4+ hours to get a solid diag in and replace only what needs replacing, he is paid for 2 hours. On paper it seems like he only lost 2 hours, but the opportunity cost is much more than that. He could have had another job in that he is very proficient at that pays say 6 hours and he completes it in 3.


    It's somewhat off topic, but that may explain why him and others have no desire to switch into A&P, heavy equipment, etc. Just overall burnt out on the bullshit and want to change it up in a big way.



    For the record General Motors typically pays .3 of an hour for electrical diag of a component. So while you are correct when the customer is paying, and I rarely charge more then an hour, when GM foots the bill most techs are lucky to break even. Now that's not to say you can't get GM to pay more in certain circumstances but it's few and far between, and requires alot of leg work getting it approved so it's even less beneficial to chase it down unless you have lots of time in something.


    What's more frustrating is when you can't figure something out, because you'll spend 20-30 minutes on the phone with GM usually getting nowhere. It's simply easier for most techs, myself included, to just throw whatever part makes the most sense. As I've gotten better over the years this has gotten fewer and farther between, but it happens everyday in shops everywhere.


    So to say it's a flawed system is an understatement. Doesn't help that everyone thinks we're crooks anyway, customers, and GM alike.


    Oh well, I wasn't going to bitch in this thread but I did anyway.

  9. Yeah I'm not really interested in turning wrenches anymore. I'm looking for alternatives rather then continuing to bitch and whine about this shitty industry.


    This has alot of appeal, operating something, not trying to repair stuff, less physical stress, not really cusomer service, and not dealing with stupid people on the road. Has alot going for it.

  10. Supra friend is a commercial pilot for an executive type airline flying G6's. I asked him a year ago and got this


    "Well, basically the most common path is to do you private, commercial, instrument and instructor training through a flight school near you. It can either be a small school at a local airport, or a larger school, like ATP, etc.

    All of those courses cost a significant amount, all together around 50,000 or more. There's financing available, and you can so it course by course. After this is all done, many people go into flight instructing for a couple years, to build up hours (experience). But honestly, this is one of the better times to get into aviation. Alot of jobs out there."


    Not exactly what you're looking for, but he has 20ish year experience iirc. I can get you in touch with him if you'd like.


    Seems so backwards to get licensed and start instructing without much experience to get experience, but your not the first I've heard that from.

  11. Specifically a pilot. Does anyone have any experience or knowledge of getting into that field?


    From what I have gathered it's not cheap, but something I have an interest in. Trying to get an idea of how one would go about becoming a pilot, obviously it requires going to school as I know some smartass will post that, but I'm looking for specifics a google search isn't going to give me. TIA.

  12. been 8 years, I'm still at my house with no interest in moving. I do drive a 2016 car but I also own a 1996 and 1997 cars as well... so... I might not really fit into the category of most people. :-) Plus not having that mortgage payment always sounds like a good idea. I'm also a guy who pays off his credit card at the end of every month and just uses it for points.


    I'm with you. I understand the thinking that has been talked about in this thread, but we have 4 of our 5 cars paid off. We have basically gotten out of debt with the exception of the house. I like the freedom that gives us financially so as things progress I'll be doing the same thing paying more towards principle. I'd rather have freedom then a bunch of debts to manage. This goes along with the way people look at retirement, do you want a 401k relying on the market thinking your money with grow faster, or do you want your retirement in gold and bonds that is much more of a sure thing.


    Maybe it's old school versus a more modern outlook, I don't know because I'm no expert. I have little interest in buying new cars every few years, or buying another house either. So I suppose that isn't the norm much anymore either.

  13. I’ve been thinking of getting the fays2 watts link to make the car handle better on the street. Anyone have experience with those?


    UMI and BMR have both come out with watts links now, I'm on the fence about buying one because I really don't need it, but definitely worth a look. Lots more information out there for these compared to the Fays2 parts.

  14. Unless you can find one of SLP's LS6 intakes that were modified for the EGR, that is out. Just about any camshaft is out, and I don't think it would be worth doing since it would be really mild to not have any issues with CARB.


    So an exhaust and a lid. Then shocks/springs/sway bars, along with SFCs, LCAs, and a panhard rod. There are a tons of options for these things and everyone has their opinions on what's best so pick whatever brand you like. Some cool wheels and tires would be good too, but that's about it for a cruiser with California restrictions.

  15. I've seen A/C compressors lock up and do similar stuff, doubt it given the description of what happened. That video was hard to watch with such a moron.


    I wouldn't mind looking at it, but it's very likely to need an engine. It sucks that the valve covers aren't super easy to get off. For that reason I'd question how well this shop even diagnosed it. I mean those pay a couple hours to pull and I wouldn't do it for an hour diag, so not sure the situation but I know many techs that would look at that say "internal engien noise" and quote an engine without poping some valve covers off and making sure something didn't just come apart in the valvetrain.

  16. I'd rather put aftermarket fuel injection on an old small block the use an LT1. LT1s are heavier, computer tech is old, aftermarket isn't fantastic, and over coming some of these shortcomings is costly.


    As for GM performance if not LS, then old school small block. Old school stuff is cheap and there is so much aftermarket you can buy stuff everywhere. LS stuff is awesome for many reasons, namely for the fact that it has as much performance from the factory as this old stuff that has been modded mildly.

  17. Sadly I think I'd rather have the Ford, the Ram doesn't look all bad, but GM's direction for the last few years is just disappointing. Their cars and trucks have not gotten any more reliable, in alot of cases worse, and the styling just sucks. I guess it just comes down to knowing what to expect from the Ford, and feeling more uneasy about Chrysler products. I can't get the image of rusty ass Rams out of my head.


    I think the aftermarket will be able to make a Ram or F-150 look alot better, the lines on a Silverado just ruin it.

  18. Brian what rear end are you running in the TA now?


    He's still got the 9" with the spool I believe. Not sure what gear set.


    Yeah Moser 9", spool, 3.70 gear. Looking at changing that to a wavetrac and a 3.50 gear, we'll see what Brian comes up with.


    I'm excited to get the car back to the track.

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