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Posts posted by Wolfman1

  1. Ok, now that Shoei has released a photochromatic shield, I was wondering what the general OR consensus is regarding what you all prefer on your helmet.  I personal love the drop down sun visor in my Shoei.  It beats having to carry a clear and tinted shield with you each ride or wear the tinted all the time which makes for a fun ride home in the dark.  Riders discount listed it at $169.99.  That is kind of a hefty price for me, but when you are talking about safety and having clearer vision in the sun, it's a mute point.  I wonder if Shoei will start selling their helmets with this lens right from the factory?

  2. I agree with everyone, I have slowed the pace in these areas even though I have the road memorized.  My accident has helped with this also.  I have had too many close calls with animals, cars, gravel, etc.  Recently I had a guy in a truck backing a trailer into a driveway in one of those blind turns on 83.  He basically had both lanes covered.  I wasn't riding that hot into the turn, so when I exited I was able to slow enough to miss the guy.  Had the same thing happen on 78 when a tractor with a plow that took up the whole lane pulled out in front of me exactly when I exited a blind turn and had to all but lock it up to get stopped.  That was a coal making moment for me!!  The bottom line is to know the roads and set the pace accordingly.  Like IP stated, its not a race, the track is the place to see how big your balls are!

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  3. TSC has ShelterLogic 10x10 for $79. I have a 10x12 EZ Up I bought from Kmart about 5 years ago and we love it. I think I paid $90 on sale. Fits perfectly over 2 tables and chairs for parties.

    Just a word of wisdom. Don't set on up too close to a fire. The updraft of the fire sends embers into the air that eventually fall away from the fire landing on the roof. My buddy set one up at a pig roast and the next day it looked like someone shot a round of buckshot through the canopy. Lol!

  4. IP, I was thinking the same thing.  What if you move Mr. Squidly's shit out of the way so someone else can use the bay and something gets damaged or misplaced, now you are liable because it happened on your property.  The tools thing is something that came to mind as well.  It has taken me years to build up my toolboxes and I will not loan them out to just anyone so they can be abused.  Unfortunately, there are a lot of idiots who would take advantage of borrowing tools and fucking something up. 


    Hey, I just had a brain dump!  What if you take the same concept as a lube stop and market it strictly for motorcycles?  First come, first served!  Pull in, get an oil change, fluids checked, air cleaner, tires and pressures checked and then out the door.  Just basic maintenance.  Open seasonally.  In the off season you could promote longer projects like clutches, motor work, forks, etc.

  5. Most of the guys I ride with are downshifting and engine breaking.  Once in a while you will see break lights when rolling at a hotter pace.  It would be quite confusing to see brake lights blinking on and off every time someone downshifts.  As stated above, this could cause people to brake check unnecessarily while riding in a group. Now if you ride solo a lot, I could see this working for you as it makes the bike more visible to a car trailing behind.  Maybe if the manufacturers actually start making bikes with this option, they will give you a switch that can turn it off when riding with a group.

  6. That's awesome Doc! I hope everything works out so you can stick around. Perfect timing too with the best of the summer ridding season kicking into gear. Definitely a shorter ride now to get to the curves! Maybe we can get you to tag along on our next all day jaunt to southern Ohio.

  7. Not a recluse!  Its a wood spider.  I live in the woods and I have them all over.  They can get pretty big, much bigger than a wolf spider.  They are quite harmless.  The stripes on the legs give it away.  A brown recluse is all brown with no stripes and smaller abdomen.  My dad just killed one is his garage yesterday.  Up to that point I have never seen one up here in NEO.  The recluse is quite aggressive.  He said it lunged at him several times and then he nailed it with a shoe.

  8. I believe so. The speed is controlled by a variable frequency drive like commercial HVAC fans and pumps. Some of the Tesla models have two motors, one in the front and one in the rear. Major linear torque and HP! It's only a matter of time before we see some electric motorcycles on the road as battery, motor, and charging technology gets better. The price will always be an issue. Look at how much it cost to own a Prius when they first came out. A coworker of mine bought one of the first generation models and said it would take at least 7 years of ownership to see a return on investment. He was getting on average 50 mpg.

  9. I came across a site talking about electric motorcycles called Zero Motorcycles.  Its an American company out of California.  I don't think the speed and power are there yet, but who knows what will come in the near future.  Look at what Tesla has done in the automotive industry with electric cars.


    I personally don't see myself on a electric bike any time soon, but thought I would just throw it out there.



  10. That pic says it all. Inside that person knows they did the right thing! Someone was looking out for you Doc!

    It feels great to be riding again. Have put on about 1000 mi. on my new bike. Getting back on the bike was a joint decision with my wife. She knows how passionate I am about riding and I let her decide my fate. She surprised me when she said she would be ok with me getting back on two wheels. We have a young family too, so it really surprised me. As far as the corners go, I try to approach a little more conservatively than before my accident. The truth is you cannot be scared of it or you shouldn't be riding. You have to trust in your abilities and your motorcycle to get you through each turn. If your friend is as passionate about riding as everyone here on the OR then he will be back on two wheels in no time with a new respect for motorcycle riding.

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