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ricer1 last won the day on December 19 2021

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About ricer1

  • Birthday 10/10/1957

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  • Location
    Cleveland Area
  • Vehicles(s)
    2018 Ninja H2 SX SE
    2017 Yam FZ10
    2006 Yam FZ1

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  1. ToniC, that is really a nice garage for your bike, well done!
  2. ToniK, you almost have a man cave! When is the first Meat & Greet?
  3. Sorry to hear about your accident due to a reckless driver, glad you were wearing all the gear. Hope you have a speedy recovery!
  4. ricer1

    NEO Dinner

    Nice dinner with everyone
  5. ricer1

    NEO Dinner

    I have a table in the back left
  6. ricer1

    NEO Dinner

    Need a head count
  7. ricer1

    NEO Dinner

    Can we do tomorrow 2/23 at 7:00PM at the Oak Barrel?
  8. ricer1

    NEO Dinner

    We are planning to have a NEO dinner either Tuesday (2/22) or Wednesday (2/23) at 7:00PM @ The Oak Barrel in Valley View 5975 Canal Road, Valley View, Ohio 44125. This is opportunity to meet up during the winter months, plan for rides, have dinner, and hang out with other riders. Please post if you are planning to attend and which of the two days is best for you. The Oak Barrel link: https://theoakbarrel.com/
  9. I have been busy riding in Florida and wanted to see if people are FINALLY over the covid scare. I thought I might arrange a dinner in February of March to get together and discuss planning a Spring Epic ride.
  10. I am interested in doing another Epic ride.
  11. Thanks, I was at a bike nights and also saw this type of foot peg and didn't know what is was.
  12. Doc, that is s great looking bike! I'm with ToniK on your statement about "This bike I will be keeping for long time". I don't believe that statement with stand the test of time. Doesn't matter, we keeping searching for bikes that fit our needs and desires.
  13. Still a deal breaker for me!
  14. The FJR is 651 lb. wet versus 848 lb. for the Goldwing. If I was going to be touring the country on a regular basis, IMO the wing is the only bike to get!
  15. I borrowed a FJR for an Iron Butt last year and decided I really enjoy endurance riding. I have been looking at 2014+ FJR's because the cruise is a MUST for long distance slab riding. The Connie not having cruise is a deal breaker! A sport touring bike without cruise is not even a consideration for me. My Ninja H2 SX SE has cruise, both the Connie and The H2 are manufactured by Kaw, I don't get the reasoning for the Connie not having cruise. I would consider the new generation Goldwing, but the extra weight is my only issue.
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