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F4iguy last won the day on July 31 2020

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About F4iguy

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    Wickliffe, Oh
  • Vehicles(s)
    95 Goldwing GL1500SE

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  1. @Tpoppa does the link only work for members? When I tried it, it sent me to a membership application page.
  2. Need to add “Lizard….Spock”.
  3. Sold the Goldwing. Will be looking at a sport touring bike for next season. Also added this.
  4. So does that mean MA is no longer racing at Pitt?
  5. Anybody go to this anymore?
  6. Saw you practicing Friday. How did racing go? Saw a lot of crashing after the rain Saturday.
  7. Hey guys and gals. Just bought a 2006 CRF230F. Looking at the Pit-Bull website, they don’t offer pins for this model. Maybe because it doesn’t have a hollow axle. Anyone figure out a way to adapt the TRS system on this type of bike?
  8. I am interested. I’ve tried to do this every year, but always the date is wacky for me. If the date fits, I’ll be there.
  9. 5500 miles yes sub frame is tweaked a little. Doesn’t hurt anything. Rides great. Runs great.
  10. I had the same problem with an AGV helmet. I thought it might’ve been the way it was hitting on the back of my neck. Pushing the top down over my brow. Sold it and went back to Bell and problem solved (for me).
  11. There is still time left in the track riding season. I bought this bike from @jbot and it has had the front forks done by @TRMN8TR. It is a track bike, BOS only, no title. It is not the prettiest bike in the paddock, but it runs great and rides great. Well maintained mechanically, oil changed with full synthetic every 4 track days, OEM oil filter. Anyone that's riden a 675 on the track knows they are a blast. Great mid range power and sweet handling. 2012 Triumph Daytona 675R Factory quick shifter Ohlins front forks – refreshed & new seals 2 years ago Ohlins rear shock Brembo brakes Vesrah XX brake pads Fully safety wired GPR Steering Damper Hindle slip on Straight pipe (cat removed) Shorty levers Motoforza carbon fiber air intake Motoforza fairing stay Q4’s – about 2 track days on them Regular oil changes with synthetic oil & oem oil filter Front and rear pit bull stands Pit bull TRS pins Extra OEM oil filter 1 Gallon synthetic oil Spare radiator Other misc spare parts (The PitBull stuff alone is worth $300+) Deliver (or meet you somewhere) - located in Cleveland area $3500
  12. In keeping with the spirit of the "cheap" aspect, I got the Arlo Pro 2 (4 camera) on sale. I think they are a few generations behind their current versions, but should have suited my needs. I'm having trouble syncing the cameras with the base station. Tried "tech support", ended up returning the first one, and still same issues with the second one. Maybe something with my router or wi-fi? I am ready to return these and spend a little more for the newest ones. Can't do a hardwire system - too difficult with my house. Any thoughts?
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