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About cptchaos

  • Birthday 03/31/1971

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    2012 Kawasaki ZX-6R

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  1. Well so much for that, life gets in the way so maybe I can try this again in September.
  2. Howdy all, Cptchaos here with another bad idea to see if there's any interest. You may recall my event last year "Noise for my people" where I blasted all the major tunnels in the CBUS area. It was loud, it was noisy, and I may have annoyed some otherwise sleeping drivers in the metro area. Well, the ZX-6r is gone but I started teaching and just finished restoring a 2010 Ninja 250r. Parallel twin with a stinger style muffler on it, it pops, it crackles, it sounds like I should be doing 90 at 35. I'd like to get it down into Hocking hills for a proper there and back but an easy ride because I don't know what I don't know about the bike. Yeah I went through it except for tearing down the engine so I'm pretty sure it will hold up ok so here's what I'm thinking. Early morning about 9 AM 8/21 or 8/28 from Pickerington, down 33 to 374, 374 to 180 back across 33, turn around and reverse the route. It's an easy fun ride I've done a few times and some nice scenery and a few curves. Got a small bike? This event is for you! Got a big bike? Sure, bring it. I originally thought this would be a good route to do an intro to group riding since it's low drama. You light speed freaks might want to sit this one out or maybe you want to go for the speed record. Either way, riding is life. Post here if there's interest. I'm going power ranger suit for this one, why not?
  3. Sorry i missed your post, just got back about 45 min ago. Great ride, noisy in all the best ways!
  4. Accuweather says cloudy but no rain after 9AM tomorrow so it looks like a go to me! I will do a 12 hour check tonight with a final go/no go by 10:30PM.
  5. No but now I'm curious about who the chicken wing guy is/was.
  6. Starting at the pilot travel center, proceed east on i70 to 670. Take 670 downtown and catch tunnel 1. Then continue 670 to 71 south to i70 east past children's hospital to exit 102 where we'll turn around in the Miller Kelton area to get back on 70 westbound. Take 70 west to i71 north to get tunnel number two then take 670 east out of the downtown area toward the airport for tunnel number 3. Blast the airport tunnel then take 670 east again and then 270 toward Easton. Near Easton, take 161 toward New Albany and get off at Little Tuttle where we'll take 5 at Blendon Woods metro park. From Blendon Woods, get back on 161 to pick up 270 again westbound.through tunnel four. Continue 270 westbound to 23 northbound for tunnel five. On high street, continue north to the shell station and maybe get a donut at Tim Hortons. All are welcome to tag along, see the city and make some noise. If the event is rained out on Saturday, rain date will be Sunday August 23 10AM
  7. bikes2nv.com in Canal Winchester. The advertise a ton of options.
  8. I wouldn't call it fancy, it's not as sexy as an Akrapovic or Austin Racing pipe but you are too kind good sir 😉 I don't blame you at all, odot uses the cbus market to figure out how much roadwork it takes before people start raging.
  9. Announcement tomorrow, this is an un-sanctioned event recognized by no organization and not affiliated with any groups in particular. Any similarity between this event and others real and or imaginary is completely coincidental. I670 Eastbound downtown, I71 Northbound at I70, Airport, take 5 at Blendon Woods metro park, 161 at I270, 23 Northbound at I270, End at Shell Station 8500 N High St, Lewis Center, OH 43035 Maybe get a donut at the Tim Hortons near the Shell if you all behave and eat your veggies.
  10. Yeahhh boyee, that's what I'm talking about!
  11. As long as you can take it on the freeway why not?
  12. I'm working on my muffler and what better way to celebrate when it's finished by finding some cbus tunnels and blasting them? Completely informal and just a ride around town to some of the tunnel like spots that I know of.
  13. I expanded this to include 664 out of Nelsonville heading west and then picking up 374 and dumping out to about 10 miles south of Lancaster. For anyone on the southeast side of C-bus, this is a really nice, not too technical ride in the Hocking Hills area.
  14. Lol highlighter yellow. ?
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