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Posts posted by lowcel

  1. I rode the twilight on Sunday and I think there was only one or two wrecks. Worst day of the year for me though, I was so nervous and was riding like crap. Definitely should have gotten back on the bike sooner after wrecking. I was running about ten seconds off my usual pace all night and didnt start feeling comfortable until the last 30 min or so. Probably should have done a full track day to get my wits back before doing a twilight, but the schedule didn't permit it.


    There were at least two crashes.  One person crashed twice on two different bikes.

  2. Lowcel, It's was a blast following you and it's ok if you don't want to show any video evidence :crazy:.........you were one of a few that I didn't feel nervous being around in that group. I hope that I didn't break the 6 foot rule with you anytime.........LMAO 


    Thank you.  I had enough faith in your riding that you could have passed me by a foot and I would have been fine.  It is awesome watching you on that bike.

  3. I was kind of disappointed yesterday in "I" group at Mid-Ohio almost every session someone riding above their ability and bring out the red flag.....it's not like is was that crowded out there!!!! so I hope next time you crashers stay home or crash each other out on the first session.


    I'm not use to riding with most of these "I" group riders that I seen at Mid-Ohio so I hope that is not the normal with this group.......watching/ following some of them made me nervous........LOL


    Yesterday had more crashes than I have ever seen in the Intermediate group in one day.  There normally aren't that many crashes in all three groups over a two day trackday.  I believe we had four or five red flags out of seven session.  Two of those sessions had at least two bikes down.  One of them resulted in Advance losing a session.  I am happy that I didn't see any helicopters at least.


    Off topic kinda but here is a video I took yesterday.


    • Upvote 1
  4. First century ride, tomorrow. Looking forward to some mind-numbing pedal churning for a solid 5-6 hours. :lol:

    Best of luck to you. Stay hydrated, eat, and get off the bike and stretch from time to time. After the seventy mile point it is more mental than anything else.

    Oh yeah, try to enjoy it.

  5. The mother even says that he was driving to fast, I don't think she really blames the driver for his death.  I think she just wants people to take a second look at what could be coming before they turn.  It's better to shake your head and possibly flip someone off for being stupid than to have to live with a death that could have possibly been avoided.

    • Upvote 1
  6. High if the midget is on a stool or ladder, medium if in a chair and low if sitting or standing on the floor.

    So, since midgets are closer to the ground is the air quality better? And tall people are they TABs? Thin air breathers?


    Not in a crowded elevator.

    • Upvote 2
  7. Wow, what org was running that?  That's one of the shittiest moves Ive seen by a "CR" on a track.  


    EDIT: just saw, isn't this the "New" NESBA, or N2?  Basically when NESBA folded it became this, please correct me if I am wrong.


    FWIW, that was 100% the CR's fault, that whole section of turns is a sketchy place to pace in Int, during a TRACKDAY, races sure, track day, dude could have rode his ass then flew past him before even hitting the kink, easily.  


    Honestly, if a CR wrecked me like that, I would beat the fuck out of him in the pits, even if it was Craig ;)


    As for the wrecks and medflight, hope dudes/chicks are okay.


    NESBA became N2 in the North and PRE in the South.  When I did a PRE track day I kept hearing them saying that a big part of the reason they separated was due to safety reasons.  I guess I can see why now.

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