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Everything posted by claine650

  1. Can you give me an address to the gas station or nearby? I might join you on this ride in the morning, just gotta check mileage and time and make sure ill be good.
  2. I wish it was as easy to clean and detail the engine of my car as it is to do on my bike.
  3. Don't know yet, just put them in this afternoon, figured since my machines are making the same parts all day on auto, I'd go ahead and pull the bike in the shop and get paid to clean it up and put the lights in. They do however look alot more crisp and are brighter for sure. Will update on them next time i ride at night.
  4. Installed some Sylvania ZXE Xenon bulbs at work today. I think that the whiter light does look better. The pictures show comparison. We'll see how long they last.
  5. lol, I've heard of people using this method on tailgaters, but in this case I think if he let some marbles loose on the guys windshield, the guy would have probably smashed him into the barrier for sure. Would certainly make for good retaliation if you can immediately speed away.
  6. Yeah, doesn't matter if the biker made the big bad man in his little truck slow down, he could already smells the riders farts (which may just be what really upset him) But seriously, that guy deserved his window broken into his face for that shit. road rage should never involve a motorcyclist.
  7. head count? How many people plan on meeting for this? Seems like 3 or 4 including myself as a maybe, just curious.
  8. I might be able to meet up for this at iron pony. My plane lands a little after midnight tonight, if I can get some sleep and get up in time ill be there. Otherwise ill be out all day Sunday
  9. Welcome, I ride the same areas as you, south of Dayton and around Indiana. PM me if your ever wanting company
  10. You'll get the best deal service wise removing your wheels and taking them in. Most places have 2 prices, on the bike and off the bike. usually cuts the cost in half if you take the wheels off yourself. As for ordering online or through local shop, I would check prices online and call around some shops and see how they compare. May even get price matching locally and give them your business.
  11. I feel the same. This busa is proportionally perfect IMO.
  12. Seriously, these guys need their own video game.
  13. COOKIE FOR YOU! That much power explains the drifting of that fat ass rear wheel. Pure awesomeness.
  14. Saw this bike on my Tumblr feed and its bad to the bone, along with the ninja riding it. I would love to achieve this look while riding lol. But does anyone know what bike this is? I'm curious, clearly its been modified very awesomely though.
  15. Good bike man Im near cincy, so not too close. If your ever riding south on a weekend hit me up. Welcome to OR, plenty of people to meet with mass knowledge of good routes.
  16. I think so, I mean $200 is for just one day, I can be closer to $100/day if your renting for like a week, but I don't have that kind of money. If I did, I'd wait to come home and just buy another bike lol.
  17. From the album: SV progress

    how she looks now
  18. claine650

    SV progress

    starting point with my bike after purchase from previous owner, tear down, to where she's at now.
  19. claine650

    V 2941

    From the album: SV progress

    bare naked, naked.
  20. claine650

    WP 000007

    From the album: SV progress

    plastic dip from previous owner, I wasn't going to do a temp paint job again.
  21. I checked on that my first day here actually, but id rather spend the $200 for a day on better riding gear or a camera for my own bike. If I had the extra cash I would do it tho.
  22. yeah, weather has been great here too, been riding around in a 4 wheeled cage though
  23. In Colorado for two weeks, wishing I could've packed my motorcycle as im drooling over all these choice roads out here. Bummed. But not bummed, im on vacation
  24. she just needs to get a motorcycle and ride, then maybe her perspective on life would be much better. I wasn't unhappy before I got my bike, but riding has definitely made my life more enjoyable in some regard.
  25. Well... If it was this lady "witchwind" doing the mounting, ill consider myself raped as a man and be very upset about it. If it's any other woman outside her boat, I'd consider it a very happy good morning lol.
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