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Everything posted by claine650

  1. Yeah, I don't think that circumstance is a matter of being uncooperative, if you ask a officer why they stopped you and they won't answer you, then I think THEY are being uncooperative with you thus leading to you being uncooperative with them. Vicious cycle, like many things in this world.
  2. Guarantee fighting a ticket over ear plugs will cost you more money in the long run from missing work even twice to go to court. Unless you work night shift. Can't be more than $150 ticket I wouldn't think. But regardless, yes, this is dumb.
  3. Awesome progression, all cool bikes. How'd your leg fare in that crash? Oh, and welcome to OR!
  4. Dayyum.. and I though I got a good deal on my 2005.
  5. Agreed with all this. Anyone who has used CL more than a few times knows what to expect. The ever popular question "what's the lowest you'll take?" and "is it still for sale?" (Then no reply) is probably never going to stop as long at teenagers are sitting in the library at school hopelessly dreaming about all the things they want to buy on there. I will say, it's pretty annoying getting that first question multiple times for the same item, I always tell them "make me an offer" to which they usually don't respond. But personally, other than dealing with that stuff that that any free listing, no account needed website will provoke, I've had many great experiences with CL. I've bought and traded and have dealt with 90% good people. Granted some of them ignorant, you just need to manage your expectations with CL. Best way to do that is to research whatever it is you're interested in, chances are 15 minutes of research will make you an expert compared to the person selling what you want. If you know exactly what it's worth, what condition it's in, ect. The person will likely see that you know your shit and pretty much let's you negotiate in your favor. If you "hate" CL then you probably are just fine with paying the premium on the things you buy from dealers or shops (because you have the money). I on the other hand, am a lower income college student who loves finding killer deals on anything I buy, I've saved so much money on some things it's ridiculous. Without CL I definitely wouldn't have afforded my bike, and I certainly wouldn't have been able to trade up to better cars like I have, I loved my last car that I traded for plus cash, and I really love my jeep that I straight up traded for. I am an advocate, but I'm not against an entertaining rant resulting from its use. [emoji4]
  6. Sv650, "it is a 990cc motor" http://cincinnati.craigslist.org/cto/4910784057.html
  7. Should be there again, hopefully don't get screwed by work
  8. I should be a go for this again, love me a day trip. Medium sounds good [emoji51]
  9. Hmm, I like the idea of never looking down to check speed/rpm/ect. But then again, a month into spring riding again, I never really look down at it anyway. I think main concerns would be A.) Helmets are already supposed to be designed to allow absolute full vision/peripheral capability to rider, I'm sure this wouldn't take away from that necessarily, but others may disagree. Might give old men headache, cause illusion, they crash, sue helmet company lol. Or maybe not... My B.) Is I wouldn't pay for this, already have it on my bike, wouldn't buy what would probably be an expensive helmet just for that.
  10. such poor advice, all you need is a new drive shaft sprocket, new muffler bearings, and a few zip ties. Knowledge of different types of drive train not needed, belt, chain, shaft....it's all the same. Just pick the shiney comfy one.
  11. Well, just ruled out the hitch carrier for me, jeep only has 200# tongue capacity, bummer. Looks like I'll be building my own "trailer in a bag" since that's pretty cool and convenient, next best option for small and easily storable.
  12. I think my for my little sv650 one of those will be up to the task. I've never read any bad reviews even on the sub $200 ones, plus it's metal, can always reinforce it if I really have doubts. If I towed my bike around frequently I would get small trailer, but since I rarely tow my bike I think this is a great option.
  13. Does anyone use one of these? I'm thinking this is the best option for someone that doesn't want an actual trailer though.
  14. Sweet bike man, I probably sat on that there pony. Cycle specialties is indeed a very good shop, congrats!
  15. Welcome, OR is a unique and very cool cyberspace with great people. Have fun on your new toy, ride safe!
  16. It was set up....Insurance fraud for a new house... No idea [emoji4]
  17. Yeah, just paypal me $500, it's all yours.
  18. Very cool technique. I wonder if creating a lifter similar to the ones you made but with an elongated shaft to incorporate a slide hammer would be effective for small dents/dings..
  19. Hah, i know, wouldn't doubt it. Whenever I am ready to get my stuff coated here in a month or less I'll shoot you a pm if your ready then.
  20. Will gladly bring you a couple sets of wheels, valve covers, and other odds and ends to test it out, you know, so you can be sure it's working correctly [emoji6]
  21. Posted 20 days ago... damn good price though if for real, http://cincinnati.craigslist.org/mcy/4799115211.html
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