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Everything posted by jacobhawkins

  1. It's getting an estimate now, we'll see what happens with insurance. If they total it out I'm thinking supermoto or 600 supersport of some kind. Something lighter mostly. I love the FJR for everything it does and I'll be happy whichever way it goes.
  2. Thanks guys, as Brian said, this was a fun, but pretty conservative pace, particularly at the end. I would say I wasn't much faster than 50 in that corner, I'm a bit of a wuss on the downhill stuff anyway and start slower in those sections. I was in the throttle all the way down the hill which probably kept my front some sliding and slamming me into the ground. It was a pretty low impact experience for me, can't say it enough, it would have really sucked to pick gravel out of my leg and my gear really did it's job.
  3. Glad you grabbed your bag, totally forgot about it. Sooooo, for those that care, there should be some images below illustrating why yesterday, while awesome for most of it, was kind of a bummer for me at the end. Hit some gravel and lowsided at about 50. Downhill in a curve, I was in the throttle, didn't see the gravel, and just started sliding. I'm totally fine, bike not so much! haha The gear did it's job, burned some holes in the pants and rashed up the jacked some, but I'm out with no damage at all. Once again, thanks to UnclePunk for encouraging me to wear my road race boots more regularly, they saved my left foot/ankle/shin for sure. Brain didn't live too far from the accident so we grabbed his truck and trailer and he very kindly drove me home. Bike is at Iron Pony getting the estimate, Allstate seems pretty cool so far, we'll see what it looks like when it comes time to pay, but I'm feeling hopeful. It was a great day, took some new routes in an area I frequent so that was cool. Weather was perfect and aside from that spot of gravel I hit, the roads were mint. https://youtu.be/joW1oE0JSEc I suck at videos, but took this of the scene after we packed up the bike.
  4. Oh no! Bummer about your camera. Well I'll have some stuff to post in a couple weeks once I get things sorted on my end.
  5. Well, I had a great ride, all things considered! Pics and a video coming...
  6. I'll meet you at John Deere if you think there's a good route from there. If I leave at 12:30, I'll get there about 1:15-1:30. That early enough for a good ride before it gets dark? I figure if I can get back onto a highway or something by 5:30, it'll be good for me wherever we end up at that time. Totally on board to follow you around to see some of those other roads you mention. I'll text when I get ready to bail on work?
  7. Cool, still at work a little longer till I can look at a proper map. 12 hours in so far today, 75 degrees tomorrow! Woohoo!
  8. Haha. Yeah man, I just thought about stupid daylight savings time... Bullshit. Saved for when I'm inside and can't use the sun! May ride tomorrow, get a couple extra hours in today and blow off early tomorrow. Suggestion for a better route to avoid that construction? Last time I did this 3 weeks ago it wasn't too bad. I usually try to start at 374 but I may need to find a different place.
  9. Going tomorrow and or Tuesday. Cbus through Hocking and back. Leaving around 4:15 as soon as I get out of work, med fast.
  10. Sweet! Making that SV a track only bike?
  11. Recently hired a new waterjet guy, new manual mill guy, and training a cnc operator. We have the work, need people!
  12. Getting gas now, thanks!
  13. I'm leaving Columbus in about an hour anybody want to go? Hocking then Wayne, medium fast, home around 9.
  14. Apparently I'm a bigger idiot than I thought. Totally missed 93. Just kept humming along 83 wondering where you guys were. Hope you had a good ride fellas, I'll make a better map next time! I started my ride early got about 400 miles in anyway, just would have been great to spend some of it with you!
  15. Bummer man. Updated route to get to New Concord. Should be a little more fun if anybody wants to come. I suck with these super late notice things. I'm leaving within an hour. https://goo.gl/maps/jMcnoXXV77k
  16. https://www.google.com/maps/dir/Iron+Pony,+Westerville+Road,+Westerville,+OH/New+Concord,+OH/@39.8930356,-81.9451359,11z/data=!4m58!4m57!1m45!1m1!1s0x88388ab826f562b9:0x78b930fe65c6ccf0!2m2!1d-82.9258668!2d40.0829908!3m4!1m2!1d-82.5210152!2d39.5739637!3s0x8847ed7f759f9689:0x92dcd973d028725e!3m4!1m2!1d-82.5852735!2d39.5474117!3s0x884792e6f5ddfcb3:0x5ffefd522b8a4bf!3m4!1m2!1d-82.5591785!2d39.5271724!3s0x8847ecd2741faa73:0xc92b6c5cdb4eb605!3m4!1m2!1d-82.6277734!2d39.5037555!3s0x884793f4c2867f87:0xf6e94c14c2420429!3m4!1m2!1d-82.559795!2d39.4410375!3s0x8847eacc7ebafebd:0xdd4dd24ac1ed0ae1!3m4!1m2!1d-82.2721062!2d39.4539162!3s0x8847e10d54993761:0x606832e2eb2cf4e5!3m4!1m2!1d-82.0982603!2d39.6387956!3s0x8848038e87cd4c25:0x392bd6771c4f10a7!3m4!1m2!1d-81.9731288!2d39.7565839!3s0x8837e3c7cbcc421d:0x3ac8a68d39335548!1m5!1m1!1s0x8837c70ca14cbc3f:0x52a4470a892249a8!2m2!1d-81.7340168!2d39.9936837!2m3!1b1!2b1!3b1!3e0 This is my route to meet up with those guys. Get to New Concord by 1:15 and head north on 83 until I see them. Leave Iron Pony about 8? I need to get home by 4, so I won't be along for their full ride, but enough to say hey to everybody. Probably slab it back depending on timing.
  17. I'll catch you someplace between New Concord and Stone Creek. Don't know how long I'll keep with you all, need to back home by 4 to get cleaned up for dinner with some of Katie's friends. I'll run 83 backwards until I see you. Don't wait up if you see me pass, I'll catch up at a stop or something. Got beat up in the rain on the mini track today, a touring pace will be perfect tomorrow!
  18. And bring that duc with you, been eyeing that exact bike for the next one...
  19. Yes: http://www.ohioriders.net/index.php?/topic/108489-nEo-oct-4-Sunday
  20. I'm good with whatever pace you want, fun at any speed! It'd be good to see you and if I see some new roads all the better.
  21. Yes! I'll meet you anyplace. Gotta see this new bike, too.
  22. Good ride, met up with a random guy who was planning the same route I was at the gas station at 33 and 374 on a Ducati Monster. There and back in under 5 hours, minimal traffic, great weather, nice guy to ride with.
  23. Short notice, I'm heading to down through Hocking Hills in the next couple hours. Will wait around a while before I leave to see if anybody wants to tag along. Pretty short ride, down and back for me. Med-Fast.
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