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Wojo72 last won the day on January 26 2020

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About Wojo72

  • Birthday 04/01/1972

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    Columbus Metro
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  1. Wojo72

    WTF Guys?

    I logged in and the whole first page is filled with "I wrecked, I ate shit, I had an oopsie!" The bunch of you are making me want to take up a lower impact hobby. Happy Late Turkey Day and Black Friday! "
  2. Dyna Bro for the win!
  3. Thanks. I should have been banned years ago anyway so that's still a win.
  4. What's up mafks? I did a thing and now I need recommendations on where to buy pirate gear. Maybe I can just emulate the Dyna Bros and skirt that stigma a little bit. The wife didn't want her bike any more so I sold it and bought a Low Rider S. This morning I got a wild hair up my ass and sold my GSXS so I guess I am all in on the pirate culture. Which one do I need? A or B?
  5. I'd like to make one of these but I'm a maybe until my vacation plans firm up.
  6. Funny that you posted that. I drove though there in my truck yesterday. I might have to do a couple of laps tomorrow on one of the bikes. I will admit that I was like WTF at first.
  7. Tagged. You might be able to talk me into leaving the 1000 and home and riding the single thumper. I don't know if I can handle the seat that long though.
  8. I just ignored it. I just thought that Tonik was trying to send me dick pics again.
  9. Wojo72

    Ammo prices

    The sad part is that the price dropped a little bit from 2-3 weeks ago.
  10. Wojo72

    My mom

    Sucks man. Sorry to hear that.
  11. I just broke the clip off of my Sena 10S. I could probably rig something up but this might be an excuse for an update. What does everybody like these days? I use it primarily for listening to music and google directions. I don't use it for communication during group rides very often. What's the best these days for audio quality? Sena used to be the top dog but it seems like Cardo does better in the recent reviews.
  12. Something, something, tech inspection, something something.
  13. No shit. Thanks Casper!
  14. Wojo72


    I'm due for a new helmet at 5 years and counting but I can't find one that fits my fucked up head. I was in IP this weekend but in no hurry to try on helmets with this Rice Rabies stuff going on. So far the best fit has been the Signet Q (long oval) helmet but it's pricey and still didn't feel all that great. Even the newer model of the HJC helmet that I currently use feels different than what I have.
  15. Things were fairly tame last winter. I was almost disappointed.
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